Significance of Hessian operators part6(Machine Learning)


  1. On the two symmetries in the theory of m-Hessian operators(arXiv)

Author : N. M. Ivochkina, N. V. Filimonenkova

Abstract : We show that the modern theory of fully nonlinear operators had been started by the skew symmetry of minors in cooperation with the symmetry of symmetric functions. The paper presents some consequences of this interaction for the m-Hessian operators. One of them is a setting of the isoperimetric variational problem for Hessian integral. The m-admissible minimizer is found, what brings out a new simple proof of the well known Poincare — type inequalities for Hessian integrals. Also a new set of inequalities, generated by a special finite set of functions, is found



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development