Understanding Facial Expression Recognition part2(Computer Vision)

Monodeep Mukherjee
3 min readOct 30, 2022


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
  1. Optimal Transport-based Identity Matching for Identity-invariant Facial Expression Recognition(arXiv)

Author : Daeha Kim, Byung Cheol Song

Abstract : Identity-invariant facial expression recognition (FER) has been one of the challenging computer vision tasks. Since conventional FER schemes do not explicitly address the inter-identity variation of facial expressions, their neural network models still operate depending on facial identity. This paper proposes to quantify the inter-identity variation by utilizing pairs of similar expressions explored through a specific matching process. We formulate the identity matching process as an Optimal Transport (OT) problem. Specifically, to find pairs of similar expressions from different identities, we define the inter-feature similarity as a transportation cost. Then, optimal identity matching to find the optimal flow with minimum transportation cost is performed by Sinkhorn-Knopp iteration. The proposed matching method is not only easy to plug in to other models, but also requires only acceptable computational overhead. Extensive simulations prove that the proposed FER method improves the PCC/CCC performance by up to 10\% or more compared to the runner-up on wild datasets. The source code and software demo are available at https://github.com/kdhht2334/ELIM_FER

2.Uncertainty-aware Label Distribution Learning for Facial Expression Recognition (arXiv)

Author : Nhat Le, Khanh Nguyen, Quang Tran, Erman Tjiputra, Bac Le, Anh Nguyen

Abstract : Despite significant progress over the past few years, ambiguity is still a key challenge in Facial Expression Recognition (FER). It can lead to noisy and inconsistent annotation, which hinders the performance of deep learning models in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose a new uncertainty-aware label distribution learning method to improve the robustness of deep models against uncertainty and ambiguity. We leverage neighborhood information in the valence-arousal space to adaptively construct emotion distributions for training samples. We also consider the uncertainty of provided labels when incorporating them into the label distributions. Our method can be easily integrated into a deep network to obtain more training supervision and improve recognition accuracy. Intensive experiments on several datasets under various noisy and ambiguous settings show that our method achieves competitive results and outperforms recent state-of-the-art approaches. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/minhnhatvt/label-distribution-learning-fer-tf.

3. FaceTopoNet: Facial Expression Recognition using Face Topology Learning(arXiv)

Author : Mojtaba Kolahdouzi, Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam, Ali Etemad

Abstract : Prior work has shown that the order in which different components of the face are learned using a sequential learner can play an important role in the performance of facial expression recognition systems. We propose FaceTopoNet, an end-to-end deep model for facial expression recognition, which is capable of learning an effective tree topology of the face. Our model then traverses the learned tree to generate a sequence, which is then used to form an embedding to feed a sequential learner. The devised model adopts one stream for learning structure and one stream for learning texture. The structure stream focuses on the positions of the facial landmarks, while the main focus of the texture stream is on the patches around the landmarks to learn textural information. We then fuse the outputs of the two streams by utilizing an effective attention-based fusion strategy. We perform extensive experiments on four large-scale in-the-wild facial expression datasets — namely AffectNet, FER2013, ExpW, and RAF-DB — and one lab-controlled dataset (CK+) to evaluate our approach. FaceTopoNet achieves state-of-the-art performance on three of the five datasets and obtains competitive results on the other two datasets. We also perform rigorous ablation and sensitivity experiments to evaluate the impact of different components and parameters in our model. Lastly, we perform robustness experiments and demonstrate that FaceTopoNet is more robust against occlusions in comparison to other leading methods in the area.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development