What is the use of Nociceptors(Neuroscience)

Monodeep Mukherjee
3 min readAug 8, 2022
Photo by Stefano Bucciarelli on Unsplash

1.Nociceptors: the sensors of the pain pathway(PubMed)

Author : Adrienne E Dubin , Ardem Patapoutian

Abstract : Specialized peripheral sensory neurons known as nociceptors alert us to potentially damaging stimuli at the skin by detecting extremes in temperature and pressure and injury-related chemicals, and transducing these stimuli into long-ranging electrical signals that are relayed to higher brain centers. The activation of functionally distinct cutaneous nociceptor populations and the processing of information they convey provide a rich diversity of pain qualities. Current work in this field is providing researchers with a more thorough understanding of nociceptor cell biology at molecular and systems levels and insight that will allow the targeted design of novel pain therapeutics.

2. Nociceptors — noxious stimulus detectors(PubMed)

Author : Clifford J Woolf , Qiufu Ma

Abstract : In order to deal effectively with danger, it is imperative to know about it. This is what nociceptors do — these primary sensory neurons are specialized to detect intense stimuli and represent, therefore, the first line of defense against any potentially threatening or damaging environmental inputs. By sensing noxious stimuli and contributing to the necessary reactions to avoid them — rapid withdrawal and the experience of an intensely unpleasant or painful sensation, nociceptors are essential for the maintenance of the body’s integrity. Although nociceptive pain is clearly an adaptive alarm system, persistent pain is maladaptive, essentially an ongoing false alarm. Here, we highlight the genesis of nociceptors during development and the intrinsic properties of nociceptors that enable them to transduce, conduct, and transmit nociceptive information and also discuss how their phenotypic plasticity contributes to clinical pain.

3. Nociceptors: thermal allodynia and thermal pain(PubMed)

Author : Félix Viana

Abstract : The sensation of pain plays a vital protecting role, alerting organisms about potentially damaging stimuli. Tissue injury is detected by nerve endings of specialized peripheral sensory neurons called nociceptors that are equipped with different ion channels activated by thermal, mechanic, and chemical stimuli. Several transient receptor potential channels have been identified as molecular transducers of thermal stimuli in pain-sensing neurons. Skin injury or inflammation leads to increased sensitivity to thermal and mechanic stimuli, clinically defined as allodynia or hyperalgesia. This hypersensitivity is also characteristic of systemic inflammatory disorders and neuropathic pain conditions. Mechanisms of thermal hyperalgesia include peripheral sensitization of nociceptor afferents and maladaptive changes in pain-encoding neurons within the central nervous system. An important aspect of pain management involves attempts to minimize the development of nociceptor hypersensitivity. However, knowledge about the cellular and molecular mechanisms causing thermal hyperalgesia and allodynia in human subjects is still limited, and such knowledge would be an essential step for the development of more effective therapies.

4. Nociceptors and the peripheral nervous system’s role in pain(PubMed)

Author : J D Greenspan

Abstract : This article reviews the role that the peripheral nervous system plays in pain perception. The first section describes the functional properties of the primary sensory element-the nociceptor-and how its behavior is related to pain perception. The second section describes the current state of knowledge concerning the way our nociceptive sensing system changes as a result of tissue injury, including those changes related to sympathetic nervous system modulation of pain.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development