Working of Few-Shot Object Detection part3(Machine Learning)

Monodeep Mukherjee
2 min readApr 30, 2023
  1. DiGeo: Discriminative Geometry-Aware Learning for Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection(arXiv)

Author : Jiawei Ma, Yulei Niu, Jincheng Xu, Shiyuan Huang, Guangxing Han, Shih-Fu Chang

Abstract : Generalized few-shot object detection aims to achieve precise detection on both base classes with abundant annotations and novel classes with limited training data. Existing approaches enhance few-shot generalization with the sacrifice of base-class performance, or maintain high precision in base-class detection with limited improvement in novel-class adaptation. In this paper, we point out the reason is insufficient Discriminative feature learning for all of the classes. As such, we propose a new training framework, DiGeo, to learn Geometry-aware features of inter-class separation and intra-class compactness. To guide the separation of feature clusters, we derive an offline simplex equiangular tight frame (ETF) classifier whose weights serve as class centers and are maximally and equally separated. To tighten the cluster for each class, we include adaptive class-specific margins into the classification loss and encourage the features close to the class centers. Experimental studies on two few-shot benchmark datasets (VOC, COCO) and one long-tail dataset (LVIS) demonstrate that, with a single model, our method can effectively improve generalization on novel classes without hurting the detection of base classes.

2.Transformation-Invariant Network for Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images (arXiv)

Author : Nanqing Liu, Xun Xu, Turgay Celik, Zongxin Gan, Heng-Chao Li

Abstract : Object detection in remote sensing images relies on a large amount of labeled data for training. The growing new categories and class imbalance render exhaustive annotation non-scalable. Few-shot object detection~(FSOD) tackles this issue by meta-learning on seen base classes and then fine-tuning on novel classes with few labeled samples. However, the object’s scale and orientation variations are particularly large in remote sensing images, thus posing challenges to existing few-shot object detection methods. To tackle these challenges, we first propose to integrate a feature pyramid network and use prototype features to highlight query features to improve upon existing FSOD methods. We refer to the modified FSOD as a Strong Baseline which is demonstrated to perform significantly better than the original baselines. To improve the robustness of orientation variation, we further propose a transformation-invariant network (TINet) to allow the network to be invariant to geometric transformations. Extensive experiments on three widely used remote sensing object detection datasets, i.e., NWPU VHR-10.v2, DIOR, and HRRSD demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, we reproduced multiple FSOD methods for remote sensing images to create an extensive benchmark for follow-up works.



Monodeep Mukherjee

Universe Enthusiast. Writes about Computer Science, AI, Physics, Neuroscience and Technology,Front End and Backend Development