6 Most Effective Tips for Creating Call-To-Action Button

Monodeep Samanta
3 min readMar 17, 2018


Mind-boggling presentations, eye-dazzling interfaces compounded with genuine testimonials is a very efficient way to make your users fall for your pages. Top it over with a certain number of badges placed at the right spot, you got your page rolling.

However, the underlying issue resides somewhat disguised. If you feel that even after significant social validation, your site/page is not doing well enough, then read on. Most sites and pages do come with pathetic interfaces, pages which are repelling to the eyes. Won’t you agree?

Being a senior UX consultant in Dubai, I would like to share my expertise which I have gathered during my work for Dubai, Germany and Poland based SBMs and love to help you create better and much more effective CTA buttons.

The essential points would be:

1. Influencing the mind of the reader:

Language is a major key to influencing the mind of an individual or a group of individuals.

It is said that words like ‘you, my, our, they’re, his, her’ has a powerful effect on the reader’s subconscious. These words are referred to as possessive determiners.

Many research states that proper use of these words can be a total game changer. You are supposed to get much more engrossed, the reason is simply that you can connect yourself to it. The basic motive is to provide the reader an idea of more control.

2. Colour smartly:

If you are doubtful about colors actually making a decision changing impact, then just have a read on what researchers have to say. Although there is no particular pattern or any specific color that’s going to be game changer despite numerous debates, indeed there are certain colors that impact the human mind in a positive way.

It’s simply the proper combination of color that can make the user convert or not. The golden rule for coloring a CTA is to make it easily noticeable and bright. The color should be contrasting, it should be arranged in such a fashion that the user has no doubt, where to click and convert.

3. The goal should be of primary focus:

Often, the pages are unable to convert, not because of poor product or content, most of the time it is simply because the CTA is not result oriented. The pages should provide an attitude affirming positive outcome from using your page. Statements that are usually neglected or not much cared about by the users are the statements where the page owner blabbers about how the product was developed and how much effort went into it.

Focus on the results. Statements like “Productivity tool that increased annual revenue by $100000 a year”. These statements are immensely impactful although often underestimated.

4. Efficient use of words:

There a lot of words known as power words. These are primarily responsible for encouraging and motivating the user. These can alter the mood of the user and as the saying goes, it is much easier to convert a happy user.

The sole motto of improving CTA’s is to make the user find the interface friendlier. Most users are sluggish, if you make him search hard for a product, he will simply shift to another page.

There can be multiple examples cited where words like ‘quickly, effortlessly, simply’ can have an amazing effect on a lazy person. Even statements containing words like ‘economic, low cost, smarter, wiser’ has an effect and its own contribution to converting.

5. Placement of CTA button is not absolute:

Although one can find ideas doing rounds all over the internet that the CTA button should be on the top or at the bottom, there is rarely any truth to it. Often it’s much more important to make sure that the buttons are clearly observable and attractive. But one thing one must keep it in mind is that one should keep it in such a place that the user can observe it before he/she scrolls down or shifts to another page.

As the saying goes ‘No one likes reading advertisements, people read what they do like and sometimes that happens to be an advertisement.’

6. Make the buttons noticeable:

It’s of great importance that the button looks like a button. There is no need for an ultra-fancy button although, keep it simple and noticeable.



Monodeep Samanta

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