Happy Wheels — Best Flash and iOS Game

mono joli
7 min readAug 21, 2017


Happy Wheels is a physics-based racing game with a lot of gory twists. The classes are tricky. The racers move like real bodies for complete realism. When the player misses a turn and drops into a pit having a giant spinning spiked pole the blood and body parts fly.

The demonstration for Happy Wheels is more involved than most demos. It promises to provide a full taste of the game instead of just a teaser. First, you select your course. The amounts are creatively named and change a lot in style. Truly, this is a game for everybody who enjoys a game of racing carnage.

Each level is tagged as to what kind of match play you can anticipate. All of these include lots of gory fun and dismemberment waiting to occur. A great Satan eats you, for example, starts with the player shoved into the gullet of a sizable Satan and gets the player try to make it out alive… and that is not straightforward!

Second, you pick your character. Demo characters are a crazed hobo on a rocket wheelchair, a businessman on a Segway and a father and son on a bike. Each character has a unique move to increase rate. As an instance, the hobo turns on his rocket to zoom. Everyone handles differently due to the matches physics; Segway man almost jumps together as he avoids pitfalls. In a great realistic touch the dad and son can see both falls from the bicycle, and also the son suffers the same fate as his unfortunate father. What an enjoyable game presentation!

Some interesting stats on what the topmost played figures are in Happy Wheels:

  1. Irresponsible dad
  2. Segway guy
  3. Helicopter man
  4. Pogostick man
  5. Wheelchair guy
  6. Lawnmower man
  7. Santa Claus
  8. Moped couple
  9. Explorer guy
  10. Irresponsible mom
  11. Effective shopper

It is a little saddening to say, but I like the lucky buyer and am a little disappointed that she’s on the bottom of the list.

Online Game Updates

With the recent update of 1.82, there have been several minor features and bug problems that were addressed, together with the many exciting “full screen” support.

Check out this collection of hilarious playthroughs:

We’re highlighting a few of our favorite streamers and minutes which just bring a smile to your face, because well, it’s Happy wheels after all. It just never gets dull.

Happy Wheels Highlights


WTF is with his LEGS!?

Mobile — iOS and Android Development Updates

The fascinating and thrilling news is that the inventor of the game, Jim Bonacci, and his team are working on mobile variations of the match with advancement for iOS in addition to Android. The primary focus, however, was for pushing out the iOS variant. While there still is no firm date for releases or even beta, we still do have glimpses of what’s to come, and based on Totaljerkface “…the results are looking quite good…”. One of the greatest issues was controls and user interface with the game’s transposition to mobile, but onscreen controls feel quite ordinary and are noninvasive from the looks of things so far.

There are still many new and upgrades which are still coming out as development run its program.

Characters and levels

Usually, through a game’s creation process, it is a lot more reasonable to anticipate the character physics and models for a single character to be constructed out at the moment. There is predicted to be six characters under development for the launch together with iOS.

Wheelchair Guy, Segway Guy, Irresponsible Dad, Effective Shopper, Moped Couple, and Pogostick Man.

These are the very same characters we’ve been used to in the desktop version of the sport, and we do not observe any indications that there will be many changes to their physics or characters. How different they will be in the web match is unclear, but we do understand that each character will have its own ‘chapter.’

Within the chapter, there are expected to be 10–15 distinct sets of degrees and terrain/maps with design and theme specifically for that character. Similar to what we’re utilized to, there are going to further levels that gamers have the complete choice of characters to play as. Believe it or not, this might help to develop the personas of our beloved characters a lot more — if not in a more damn way.

We certainly hope that regardless of what these new levels and chapters seem like, it is going to increase the overall satisfying experience of conducting through character throughout the physics course to make a more immersive “world” for players to enjoy and explore. We hope that the level development matches well with each character unique “features” and type of play.


We’ve been told that the onscreen controls to the iOS and mobile games are simplified by what we’re used to on the online edition. Of the iOS, there are buttons for forward/reverse, lean left/right, unique, and eject. The layout is predicted to be constant between characters, but as anticipated, some buttons or design may vary to reflect the attributes and “skills” of different characters.

Level and Stage Editor

One of the most fun aspects of the internet web-based Happy Wheels game was the ability for user-customized and created amounts. The biggest concern and challenge we feel is the way will the degree editor be implemented and perform out from mobile or tablets? There may not be a new user interface and interaction with all level building given the technical constraints of what you can or can’t do on a smaller display.

That said, we do understand that the preliminary level editor is going to be simplified and that it won’t be as robust as the online publisher, initially. However, Totaljerkface has assured us that each of the current hazards, various things, and shapes (perhaps not polygons) can, and will be modified and added. These are tasked and implemented from an individual’s usability standpoint will be a deciding factor of how much the level editor will proceed. When it is awkward and painful, users are not as likely to create the same caliber and lively nature of standards that we’ve come to expect.

Users ought to be able to conserve the levels locally on every apparatus or shared between devices via email. We do anticipate that the public level browser similar to what is available in the browser version will only be added on after.

What is interesting to see is if current browser level and maps are also playable, and also iOS degree maps plotted on the browser. When at all possible, this could bring about a much more variable level foundation for gamers to choose and play from — at their convenience and leisure.


IOS: Given the way long development has taken (for a good reason though), the target would be iOS 6 and up.

iPhone 4 also needs to work, but with a noticeable drop in framerate.
iPod Touch 5th generation.
IPad 2, 3, 4, Air.
Android: The programmers have analyzed on Android port, and apparently, the outcomes are pretty decent and promising. But given how little of a development group they are, we do not expect them to handle iOS and Android at the same time. From a consumer’s perspective, the Android player’s marketplace may be the larger market, but it’s known that iOS users are more likely to cover and be more active than Android consumers! So, from a company and programmers standpoint, their decision to focus on iOS will make sense.

According to the programmers, they’ve considered several different revenue streams with the launch of the program — from freemium, to pay to play, to advertisements. Nonetheless, in the end, they decided that they would just sell the game for $2.99 on the Apple App Store.

They did assure that within the first couple of days, the match is going to be on sale for $1.99. Not just a huge economy, but given the amount of work the whole Happy Wheels development has obtained, it’s fair. For less than a cup of java or a burger at Mickey D’s, you can get the program — is the concept.

But given the age and demographic group of its core consumer base, is this the right strategy? Can this cover to play hinder the quantity of new users/player base creation? Granted $3 is not expensive, but we do think any price tag will block new user penetration. It’s a very physical barrier for most young players or even the actual price tag, but the action & restrictions required to buy the game.

Stay tuned for new updates as they are released!
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