Chef Day with Monoreto

Monoreto Channel
2 min readNov 2, 2018


Did you miss International Chef Day? Maybe you noticed an uptick in the number of food photos on popular social networks like Instagram. There’s nothing like photos of other people’s food, right? From take-out to home-cooked culinary delights, Instagram is full of food even when it’s not an international holiday for chefs! Granny’s cookies, your sister’s rump roast, the restaurants with their fancy plates — it’s enough to send you running to the refrigerator for a snack! But there’s more to life than posts about food, even on a food holiday. We love seeing the familiar faces of loved ones, exotic places others are visiting, décor and artwork, and more in our photo feeds, and we love taking those pictures, too!
But here’s your chance to get into the swing of things with all things food, even though you missed the holiday, itself. Publish your thematic pictures of food on Monoreto — those with some artistic quality and beauty all their own — and you may earn an extra 1,000 tokens for your post! That’s right, the top five thematic food photos will get 1,000 tokens. So, take your best shot of your yummies delights, whether you’re the super chef or not!

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