Monoreto: Application, Not Website

Monoreto Channel
2 min readJul 27, 2018


As we previously announced, Monoreto platform team decided to design it as an application, not as the website. So, it’s the time to explain this our decision.

Safety First

We suppose the mobile application to be much safer than ordinary website. Since Monoreto is the social media platform, it inevitably deals with the personal data issues. In this regard, mobile browsers are risky because there are trojans designed to collect personal information. Specialists can tell you a couple of spheres application is better than the browser website as far as safety is concerned:

  • It’s easier to use multi-factor authentication in an app. The app itself is a channel for delivery of a PIN, but if they’re on an app they also have a phone number right there.
  • Certificate pinning. An app can have an embedded certificate, better than a browser for preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Fine-grained risk evaluation. API calls can have their risk-exposure be evaluated on a “what are you doing basis” rather than on a given URL. Fine grained authorization and risk checks are harder to do in a browser with a URL scheme. You’d have to code it in the application (and in each-and-every application). When it’s API driven, you can do the risk assessment in the infrastructure.

Audience: Easy To Reach, Easy To Keep

We analyzed the statistics of the most popular smartphone app and found that we are in the right place. Have a look:

More than 30 per cent of the top-15 leading smartphone apps are the social media platforms

So, it is the format of mobile application which can help us to reach the audience we plan to involve in the monetization of content. Basic idea of our platform — user get his share of total platform profit via the mechanism of tokens (MON) build on Waves blockchain — can be realized only with huge inflow of audience. Being closer to our users — that’s our mantra! This scheme is also profitable for the advertisers: users attracted by the application will produce unique and interesting content, so, your ads will be popular and find its target audience.

In a word, application instead of the website is a win-win decision for Monoreto social media platform.

Stay tuned!

Best regards,

Monoreto Team.



Monoreto Channel

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