Monoreto: eight steps how to become a great photographer.

Monoreto Channel
2 min readOct 31, 2018

The key to a great following on social media is a great photograph. Taking photos is easy these days since every phone has a camera, but taking good photos takes practice. Here are a few tips for taking your photos to the next level:

Practice: Take lots of photos and take photos every day to practice your skill. Play with your camera features to figure out exactly how it works and what works best for what you want to achieve.

Slow Down: Think before you push that button. Compose your photo the way you want it to look. Be aware of things like garbage cans, ugly walls and signs that may be present in your photo from your present perspective. Minimize those ugly photo-bombers by moving your perspective.

Get Close: If your photo isn’t “popping,” take a step or two closer to your subject and let that subject fill the frame. Get rid of wasted space.

Framing: Use a window, archway, etc., to frame your subject and draw the viewer’s eye to your primary focal point. Don’t always center your subject. Consider placing the subject in different thirds of the photo. Consider the perspective in your shot. Change your point of view to get more interesting photos — like crouching, lying down or climbing up for a different vantage point on the subject.

Use the Light: This may mean using a flash during the day to get rid of harsh shadows caused by the sun or setting up your subject so that the light and shadows add to the appeal of your photos — light behind or to the side of your subject instead of directly in front. Consider shooting portraits and landscapes during the “golden hours” of dawn and dusk to get the richest colors.

Keep it Simple: Don’t try to pack too many elements into your image and consider having one or two predominant colors in your photo, rather than a whole slew of color that can be distracting and hard to look at.

Be Present: Make eye-contact with your subject. Engage them and listen in return to keep your subject more relaxed. Try telling a well-timed joke to get a more natural smile in your photo, rather than saying “cheese.”

The more you shoot and the more mindfully you shoot images for your social media feeds, the more popular they will be. Want to make money off those great shots? Consider posting them on the new social media app Monoreto. This app rewards users for the likes their content receives and is a great way to earn a little side income.

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