Monoreto: The Easiest Way to Be Popular

Monoreto Channel
2 min readOct 26, 2018


Becoming popular on Monoreto — whether to market your brand or enjoy social interaction with a wider array of followers — takes time and work.

First, set up your account. Choose a recognizable username and profile picture. Be sure to make use of the profile biography to tell people who you are (and use links here if you have a website you want to promote). Follow the types of feeds that interest you and are relevant to what you want to post.

Now, here are a few tips for making your account more popular with followers:

Research: Before you even begin a revamp of your account, take a look at Monoreto feeds you like and ask yourself what you like about them. Which posts interest you and why? How can you make your posts as interesting as theirs? Get a good idea of what makes you a follower so you can attract more followers to your account.

Quality over Quantity: Take good photos full of vibrant color to catch the interest of followers. Add witty or interesting captions that add to the quality of your post. You may even want to add a story or anecdote to your caption to help engage more followers. Post fewer, better photos that don’t get lost in the Monoreto feed.

Make the Most of Each Post: Determine the best times to post according to when your followers are most active and post when your followers are most likely to interact with you. Don’t post more than two to three times each day so that you don’t overwhelm your followers’ feeds.

Engage: Don’t forget the “social” in social media. Interact with your followers in the comments. Respond to what they have to say and make each post a conversation. Give your followers a chance to get to know you — or at least a version of you.

Use Hashtags Wisely: Don’t overdo your hashtags. Although Monoreto will allow up to 30, choose the top 12 or so that are extremely relevant to your image. Choose tags that are NOT super popular, but are popular enough so that you garner more visibility without getting lost in the crowd. The right hashtags can be a good shortcut to Monoreto growth.

Sound like a lot of work for a little reward? Consider moving your social media posting to a new and innovative platform that allows you the opportunity to monetize your everyday posts. Monoreto is a new social media app that allows users to earn based on the likes they get for every post. The unique ranking system of the app allows users to get more visibility by liking the content of those they follow. Then, they earn for every like they get on their own posts.

Download the app for free in GooglePlay or AppStore.



Monoreto Channel

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