A note about @monsoondreaming_ instagram presence

3 min readSep 14, 2021


Welcome! Thank you for allowing me to share my art with you and I look forward to connecting.

Please don’t feel bad if I don’t follow back! I do not follow back personal accounts on this IG account. I only follow back accounts that I resonate with who use IG for their work (mainly art) as a way for us to help one another out (algorithmically/promotionally). If I don’t follow you, I might have mistaken your account for a personal account (I apologize!), please send me a message and connect with me so I can know your work. I actively consume, seek out, signal boost, and share content, articles, art, music, etc on other non-social channels. And I do regularly check my messages.

I spent a year or so off Instagram between Spring 2020 to Spring 2021. Between then a lot has happened in the world, but I’m grateful to see that I stayed connected to community via so many different channels. I confirmed and further learned what I already know — social media isn’t the only way to stay engaged, active, and responsive to the world and its calls to action.

That time away has in part allowed me to focus on what I love doing most, creating, making art, deepening my connection to community, and remaining responsive vs reactive. While I’ve chosen to largely stay off of social media, I understand the choice to be on here and the useful tool it can be. And I also understand that people want use Instagram to keep up to date with what I have going on. So in that spirit of remain accessible, I will use this account to post updates about my work. But as I won’t be post EVERYTHING on here, subscribing to my newsletter is still the best way to keep up with me!

Click here for links to more pages regarding my work.

Again, I try to log on and view instagram and social media newsfeeds very sparingly as it doesn’t suit my spirit and mental health. I hope you understand ❤

About me

A singer-songwriter-produce and maker of visuals, Uliya’s influenced by heavy rain, cool mist, open fields, deep waters; colors like “cobalt blue”; conjured landscapes; their healing journey; artistic comrades; diaspora; the inevitability of change, and fluidity.

Through music, they seek to build worlds or spaces that can be seen in detail, be moved through freely, and be felt on your skin; that are deeply personal yet accessible; that inspire love, intimacy, tenderness, and reconciliation; that futurize, or consider expansive possibilities of what could be; and that transport you, the listener, to a soothing, meditative, dream-like sanctuary.

With the community that comes with art making, they seek to co create cultures that make space for all of everyone and promotes our wellbeing and ability to live authentic, abundant, grounded, and conscionable lives.

They create from their digital home, monsoon dreaming.

Keep in touch with Uliya by visiting ww.uliyx.xyz and subscribing to their newsletter.

And a necessary non sequitur to be clear where I stand

Black Trans Lives Matter

Defend Black Lives

Defund The Police

Abolish ICE

Free Them All

Demilitarize And Decolonize

Smash Brahminical Patriarchy

End Caste Apartheid

Land Back (as an uninvited visitor on Atakapa-Ishak land)





They/them. Music maker. Influenced by heavy rain, healing journeys, connectedness, diaspora, fluidity, and the inevitability of change. ✊🏽💧🧜🏽‍♂‍🌱✨🤎