New MAG Earning Mechanism. New MAG Revenue Sharing for Community. Let’s Update!

Monsterra P&E Game
6 min readJan 19, 2023


Dear Monsterriors,

Thank you so much for your dedicated support and love throughout this year. It is our enormous blessing to have an active, loyal and enthusiastic community along. Monsterra game has expanded and grown with so many innovative components, features and updates to leverage the gaming experience and maximize the community’s profits. This time, we are excitedly thrilled to present to you the brand-new MAG Vault — a new MAG earning mechanism that we are working on by which Monsterra can start sharing MAG revenue with our beloved community. Let’s find out more!

What is MAG Vault❓

MAG Vault is a new innovative feature released in the upcoming update, allowing all players in the game to receive MAG token rewards based on the previous day’s MAG revenue.

Why did we come up with the idea of building MAG Vault? — At the moment, many players in Monsterra face the situation of not being able to claim MAG rewards (they receive none of MAG) when the previous claimers withdraw all the rewards of the day. The pool quickly burnt out and MAG rewards were not equally distributed to all players causing unbalanced profit generation. MAG Vault, therefore, is designed to re-balance the profit-claiming stream and equalize all the MAG rewards for players based on their contribution to the pool. As such, all players can claim MAG rewards and enrich their profits day by day.

How does MAG Vault work❓

In MAG Vault, players will operate in the following flow:

Step 1: Burn their NFTs in the Vault

NFTs burned will be converted into points. The NFT burning points run in a 28-day cycle.

For example:

  • If NFT A is burnt on Feb 1st, its due date is on Feb 28th.
  • If NFT B is burnt on Feb 2nd, its due date is on Mar 1st

Step 2: Collect accumulative points per each burning

The player’s score will be updated every hour after the burning. Points in NFTs burning will take effect in the next hour.

Step 3: Exchange points to the MAG rewards.

The more points accumulated, the more MAG rewards to be gained.

Players can either use their current NFTs (your initial free NFTs are not allowed) or play games and participate in more events to win new NFTs for the Vault burning. The NFTs burnt during the Vault cycle are considered as proof, providing that the user has played the game (Proof of play).
With the added of Vault, Monsterriors can utilize their in-game NFTs in 1 out of 3 following ways:
✔️ Selling NFT on Marketplace
✔️ Using NFTs to play Monsterra game,
✔️ Burning NFTs permanently in exchange for MAG Vault stakes

Why Join MAG Vault❓

With MAG Vault, Monsterra expects the large community to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Direct earning stream of MAG tokens. Players then can easily earn MAG by accumulating as many points as possible and cash out the reward tokens.
  • Equal MAG earning opportunity for all users. Players who contribute more to the pool will profit more in return and vice versa. This model will eliminate the situation of previous claimers withdrawing all of the MAG pool and leaving none of the rewards for players who come later.

MAG Vault Reward Pool💎

MAG will be paid to players hourly. The player’s MAG stake ratio depends on the portion of NFTs they have contributed to the pool and the time of burning.
✔️The more NFTs burnt, the more rewards received in returns
✔️The sooner NFTs burnt, the more days to get sharing revenue

The player’s stake will be divided into 5 pools:

  • Common Pool (5% of Total Pool)
  • Uncommon (10% of Total Pool)
  • Rare (40% of Total Pool)
  • Epic (30% of Total Pool)
  • Legendary (15% of Total Pool)

Each time an NFT of any rarity is burnt, the player will receive a corresponding amount of rarity stakes - for example, if player X burns 01 CO Landcore, she/he will receive 100 Common Points from the MAG Vault pool in return. Each player can burn different NFTs of varying rarity to receive MAG rewards from different pools.

👉How to exchange points for MAG rewards?

  • If you have 100 points out of 100000 points, you will get 1/1000 of the MAG rewards from the vault (100/100000 = 1/1000)
  • Get the assumption that the pool has 5000 MAG, you will have: 5000 * 1/1000 = 5 MAG

What is MAG revenue sharing❓

Every day, the entire amount of MAG tokens that users use in the game including upgrading, breeding, skipping time, skipping quests, etc will be recorded as MAG revenue. The project will deduct part of this revenue to share with players:

  • 85% for MAG Vault
  • 10% for MAG Staking
  • The remaining 5% will be burned.

With the revenue sharing mechanism, Monsterra believes players’ profits can be maximized and enriched significantly in the upcoming time. This is also our way to show great gratitude and go along with the community for the huge support we have received.

*Note: The above ratio can be adjusted according to the operating situation.

⚔️5th Battle Mode — Earn more NFTs to make the most out of MAG Vault rewards

At the moment, players can earn NFTs from Breeding Mongen activity, 3 opened battle modes (Adventure, Boss Challenge, Battlefront), and game events. Yet, with the release of MAG Vault, we anticipate that the demand for NFTs possession will rocket so soon. To meet the player’s demand, a new game mode Abyss Tower will be released in the upcoming time and play the role of the main NFT minting source of the game. We sure will get you updated with full information about this mode in the next announcement. Stay tuned!

About Monsterra

Monsterra is a revolutionary multi-chain NFT game with a free-to-play-and-earn mechanism on BNB, Avalanche, and OKX networks.

The game set foot in a fictional world and revolves around farming, property building, and battling other lands with the magical creatures named Mongen. The revolutionary design of Monstera is a combination of free-to-play and free-to-earn models, which allows millions of gaming enthusiasts to enjoy fun and have a high-profit stream with no initial investment.

If you have any questions, contact us via email or social media. We will settle any concerns you may have.

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Monsterra P&E Game

Revolution Free-to-play-to-earn Multi-chain NFT Game ​on BNB, Avax and Aura networks. Enjoy “fun” and “profit” with the lowest investment.