why you should never give up?

4 min readNov 2, 2022


find answers to that question below;

It is hardly surprising that many people are experiencing hardship for reasons that are only known to them. These circumstances exhaust them, cause sadness, and occasionally even death. Giving up simply refers to quitting or accepting defeat. You are in a scenario that is so challenging that all you want to do is give up. Your brain only tells you to give up because you believe your mental state is no longer capable of handling everything. Never give in to that; taking a break when things get too much is perfectly acceptable. Since we are not machines, the human body typically requires a rest. But what is unacceptable is quitting, saying bye to your long-time dream, or giving up on living.

There is no way to know what the future will bring. You experience fatigue and stress. You reach your lowest point and may believe that the only way out is to turn around, but trust me when I say that life doesn’t always go perfectly without a test. As an illustration, consider the world’s richest persons at the moment. Really, do you believe they made it all at once? Do you believe they were never put to the test of times? The only things they showed us are the only things we know and have seen. Mack Zuckerberg, the founder of many social media platforms, never felt the need to speak up and let us know when he almost reach rock bottom or when things weren’t going well for him.

If life is rough on you, you should treat life similarly. Demonstrate to existence that you’re not going to quit trying your best. Are things at work not going well? Are your family or home difficult for you? Have you recently lost someone you can’t live without? Health difficulties, perhaps? I’m sorry for anything you might be going through right now, and I hope it gets better with time. However, in order for that to happen, you must also put up a fight and help yourself to get the results you want. I have witnessed patients who had been given death dates struggle right up to their final breath. Do you realize how challenging it is to continue making every effort to have a regular life when you know that death could arrive at any moment? You and I cannot even imagine. The only people who truly succeed are those who can endure over time.

When nothing goes your way, it is acceptable to feel angry and frustrated. You giving up is not acceptable. Refuse to give in to your problems. Failures are there so we could have an alternative story to add to our success stories. Let me tell you something: The only person who can truly help you in life is you. Nobody will help you if you don’t keep trying, so don’t give up. Not even the family member or friend you believe to have your back at all times. Heaven they say helps those who help themselves. You must demonstrate your worth to the world and showcase your abilities. Make them understand why you are the best thing that could ever happen to them or their organizations, and I assure you that you won’t have to beg before they start calling you up.

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself because you keep failing, just keep trying. Life is a race; if you stumble, get back up and carry on. The race continues and nobody is stopping for you until death comes. When you think it is all over that is when your story takes a turn and you start to see the changes you’ve always wanted. Avoid negativity and try to talk to more people who will inspire and motivate you. Do not consider yourself to be worthless or unimportant. Regardless of how useless you may feel, there are individuals who have faith in you. Do yourself a favor and communicate with those that are truly rooting for you more.

There are, of course, instances where what you are looking for is simply not intended for you, and in those circumstances, you will just know when to let go. No matter how much you learn about it or attempt, you probably won’t be good at it. There is no use in clinging to it if that is the case. Why not spend your time doing what you are good at instead of wasting it on that? First of all, despite how worthless or untalented you may feel, nobody is worthless. If you put your effort into it, there is definitely that one thing you can do without a doubt.

Every person is special and unique in their own way. Our success stories will never be the same no matter what. People work at different rates, and it’s true that some are extraordinarily lucky, while others are extraordinarily diligent, and some people may be both. Never give up, whichever category you fall under. Although I occasionally get frustrated by my problems, I made a promise to myself to never give up. The same should apply to you. No matter the circumstance you find yourself in life, you should never consider giving up or choosing death as an option. If you do, the world would be losing a person with a lot of potential. Please continue to live; we were each created to play a specific role in life, so please you stay alive.




A passionate writer, marketer and a leader who has a lot to give out if the world allows it.