Life Lessons From The Movie “Kingdom of Heaven”

Monte Schumacher
2 min readDec 20, 2022

The 2005 film “Kingdom of Heaven” tells the story of a young blacksmith named Balian who is thrust into a world of knights and crusaders in 12th century Jerusalem. Throughout the course of the film, Balian learns several valuable lessons about life that are still applicable today.

One of the most important lessons Balian learns is the value of forgiveness. Throughout the film, Balian grapples with feelings of anger and resentment towards his father, Godfrey, who abandoned him and his mother when he was a child. However, when Godfrey comes to Balian seeking forgiveness on his deathbed, Balian is able to let go of his anger and forgive his father, recognizing that “life is too short to be angry all the time.” This lesson is a reminder that forgiveness is not only important for our own mental and emotional well-being, but it can also be a powerful act of love and understanding towards others.

Balian also learns the importance of standing up for what you believe in and fighting for what is right. When the city of Jerusalem is threatened by the armies of the Saracens, Balian is faced with a difficult choice: to flee or to stay and defend the city. Despite the risks, Balian ultimately decides to stand his ground and fight for what he believes in, even when it means putting his own life on the line. This lesson is a reminder that sometimes we must stand up for our beliefs and be willing to fight for what we know is right, even when it is difficult.

In addition to forgiveness and standing up for what is right, Balian also learns the importance of selflessness and putting others before oneself. Throughout the film, Balian consistently puts the needs of others before his own, whether it is defending the city of Jerusalem or helping a group of refugees find safety. This selflessness ultimately helps Balian gain the respect and admiration of those around him and serves as a reminder that putting others first can lead to great personal fulfillment.

Overall, “Kingdom of Heaven” is a thought-provoking film that offers several valuable lessons about life. From the importance of forgiveness and standing up for what you believe in, to the value of selflessness and putting others before oneself, the film offers a wealth of wisdom that can be applied to our own lives.

