Why it is so hard to be become a successful developer

Arthur Brunner
2 min readJun 21, 2018

New developers get stuck when they are learning to code. Why?. Because there is not one place on the web where we can get all the help we need.We usually learn to code by hussling from one website to the other. Going to this website for tutorial videos, going to that site to ask questions, sometimes using as many books as possible. And going elsewhere to get examples and exercises. And moving to another place to store our code. And after learning how to code, we do not know what to do with the knowledge. This is because there is not one place on the web that contains all that a new developer needs to enable him/her succeed: videos, text, images, conversations and some mentoring and motivation. There is not one place on the internet where you can get everything you need to enable you to succeed in becoming a developer. That is why I created https://www.codebrunner.tech

A developer platform that is here to help developers(especially new ones to succeed). codebrunner.tech will contain videos on programming, another section where users can ask questions, another section where users post content. And also more sections meant to enable developers within the community socialize and network. Sign up to codebrunner.tech and lets help each other succeed.

