Opitciwan: Rampage seared into cop’s memory

Montreal Gazette
4 min readApr 15, 2016


Sgt. Sylvain Proulx on foot patrol in Opitciwan, 600 kilometres north of Montreal, on Aug. 30, 2013.

Reporting by Christopher Curtis, Montreal Gazette; photos and videos by Dario Ayala, Montreal Gazette

This feature originally ran in August 2014. A year before that, Gazette journalists Christopher Curtis and Dario Ayala drove up to the remote aboriginal community of Opitciwan and spent Labour Day weekend with the local police force. Here is part of their intimate look at life on this reserve.

OPITCIWAN — Sylvain Proulx quietly recounts the night his partner was shot.

It’s a memory the young police sergeant has struggled with for four years, and the emotions from that day creep to the surface with each retelling.

“It brings back a lot of feelings, things you thought you had pushed aside, things you didn’t even realize were going through your head,” Proulx says during a conversation in the interrogation room of the police station in Opitciwan, an aboriginal reserve about a three hours’ drive west from Roberval.

“It’s a chapter of my life that I’m glad to put behind me.”

Proulx and his partner Charlie Gunner were on patrol in the Cree territory of Mistissini, about 360 kilometres north of Opitciwan, on a cold night in October 2010 when they first heard the gunshots.

Police sergeant Sylvain Proulx, right, and agent Alexandre Boily, left, sit in their police vehicle after a patrol in the First Nation reserve of Opitciwan.

Somewhere on the other side of town, Dylan Brien — a man Proulx says was “heavily intoxicated” — was firing rounds with his Springfield 30–06 rifle.

One of the bullets ripped straight through a dog, killing it instantly. Then the gun jammed, which sent Brien into a rage. He smashed the rifle to pieces, went home and re-emerged with a 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun and a bag filled with ammunition.

The shooter stalked Mistissini’s gravel roads, firing his weapon and screaming, “Who wants to die?” while Proulx and Gunner scrambled to find the source of the gunfire. Before they could reach Brien, he had wounded two people and was blasting shotgun shells into the darkness.

“We had no idea where he was,” Proulx says. “We knew we were close; the sound of the shots was getting louder and we started to smell burnt gunpowder in the air.”

They spotted him and took shelter behind a house about 30 metres away. That’s when the gunman opened fire on the officers.

“When my partner peeked out of his barricade, I felt one shot hit the house right beside me,” he says, taking a deep breath. “And then I heard another shot; the pellets hit the house right beside my head. Right afterward, I heard my partner yell, ‘I’m hit! I’m hit!’ ”

With birdshot pellets lodged in his legs and face, Gunner ran for cover, stopping only to lead bystanders toward safety. Instead of seeking medical assistance, Gunner went back to the police station and continued answering 911 calls to keep tabs on Brien’s whereabouts.

Meanwhile, Proulx and three other officers managed to corner the shooter on a roundabout at the western edge of Mistissini. But while Brien was outnumbered and drunk, he still handled the 12-gauge with ease.

“He never fired more than three or four rounds before reloading,” Proulx said. “That way, there was always a round in the chamber in case we decided to try to catch him off-guard.”

Proulx tells this part of the story with little emotion. It comes across as a series of mechanical, well-rehearsed statements he’s had to make countless times throughout the internal investigation and criminal trial that followed.

Sergeant Sylvain Proulx, centre, does paperwork for a confiscated rifle which was improperly stored in a car, as agents Élie-Moise Awashish, left, and Rébéka Maltais, right, work on other files at the Opitciwan police station.

And yet this was one of the most frightening moments of Proulx’s life. He was just 26 years old at the time, barely out of police academy, with a pregnant wife at home in Chibougamau. Proulx says it took him days to grasp what could have happened that cold October night.

“I remember one of the cops who backed us up slipped and fell. He was lying there out in the open,” Proulx says. “So I decided to step out from my shelter to get (Brien’s) attention away from the other cop. I summoned him to drop his weapon. Instead, he raised it toward me and assumed a firing position. So I fired my pistol twice, and both shots missed him.”

In the end, after dodging more than 100 shotgun shells, Proulx and two other officers managed to disarm the gunman.

“One of the officers yelled, ‘He’s reloading!’ so three of us decided to take a chance and run toward (Brien) with our weapons drawn,” he said. “By the time we were just a few feet away, he had a confused look on his face and he dropped the 12-gauge.”

Somehow, no one died that night.

Eventually, Proulx loosens up again and begins to talk about the shooting with a little more perspective.

“I didn’t want to have to shoot my weapon, and I’m glad I don’t have to live with knowing I killed someone,” he says. “It’s not something I like to think about, but in this job it’s something that can happen anytime, anywhere. … I’ve come to realize that it wasn’t my decision, it wasn’t my fault. He fired at us, he made me pull the trigger.”

A look at life for the police force in a remote aboriginal community continues with On Duty in Opitciwan. Another feature looked at how crowded homes and violence form barriers to education.

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