Authentic Allyship

Montreece Payton-Hardy
2 min readFeb 24, 2022


Photo cred — A person wearing a mask and coat holding a white sign that features a drawing of the Ukraine flag and denotes “hashtag stand with Ukraine” is surrounded by a crowd of people in coats and masks.

Soooo, we are still doing this imperialistic jackassery after centuries of watching it create sedition and discord worldwide???

Watching the actions of the last roughly 16 hours should make us ponder the state of decency in the human experience. Outside of my own children and the well-being of this country I cannot help but ask what Ukrainian-Americans and U.S. citizens must be going through and feeling right now. I cannot help but to magnify the factor of humanity that is blatantly disregarded through imperialism.

A post on LinkedIn inspired me to look at the population of Americans with Ukrainian descent, which, according to the 2019 Census, was approximately 1,009,874 or 0.3%. The only country outside Ukraine and immediate surrounding countries that hols a larger Ukraine population is Canada. And, the thought that these citizens are having to go to work and school, reading/watching/listening in horror as war is declared on their country where they may have family and friends is beyond disturbing.

I have one statement and one question for Ukrainians living in the U.S. andwho are actively apart of the workforce and education system:

I want to listen. And, I want to know what, if anything, can be done here, now, for you to feel supported?

I cannot help but think about the continued struggle Black-Americans consistently face, yet continue grinding in the workforce and going to school, to hopefully improve a country that executes policies and laws that puts a cap on the quality (or existence) of our lives…

This. Is. Not. Right.

From one “underdog” to another — I believe this is a crucial time to show up in whatever ways are possible for other human beings. I can’t pretend that the thought of any mother, wife, daughter, father, husband, son, having to endure pointless Zoom checkins, commutes, exams, awkward social situations and insensitive questions doesn’t affect me.

I genuinely want to know, please, when you feel like talking, and you have a moment of clarity, what I can do to better listen and show up for you who are suffering here and now in the U.S..



Montreece Payton-Hardy

VersaVox | Mom | Writer | Bibliophile | Overthinker | Melophile