What is a diploma in education and training?


The Diploma in education and training is an initial level of teaching qualification. For further education in the teaching, field to be a teaching professional the individual has to obtain the certification in education and training at QCF Level4 and the Award in education and training at QCF Level 3 which is later followed by the certification at QCF Level 5 in the UK.

The diploma in education and training qualifies an individual as a qualified teacher learning and skills (QTLS) status from the Institute for learning. The qualification of diploma in education and training replaces the diploma in teaching in the lifelong learning sector.

Importance of diploma in education and training

Level 5 Diploma

This is the qualification that provides training for those people who desires to have a long-term career in the teaching profession with an extensive range of teaching responsibilities, including those in more than one context. To complete this course, the requirement is a minimum of 100 hours of practice where you will need to do teaching or be able to secure a teaching placement. This course also provides a wide knowledge about all the fields and see to it that the student gets trained in almost all the subject areas such as engineering, science, sport science, maths, social science, construction, languages, SEND, retails, leisure and tourism, business, IT, learning technologies, healthcare, hospitality and catering, art and design and childcare.

Let’s have a brief idea about how does the whole course proceeds.

Taught sessions

During the course, you have to meet once a month for a taught session. This session last for the whole day, mostly from 9:30 to 4:30 with the breaks and lunch. The sessions will be highly interactive and combine a range of pedagogical approaches that are designed to have a good practice and also can give you an idea that could be translated into your classroom.


This session usually involves the presentation, group discussions, group work, peer learning and assessment including the use of a range of new technologies to support the learning process.

Observation of teaching

During the course, you will be observed in your teaching, 4 times in a year. It is assumed that you will build on and improve your practice throughout these observations. Teaching observations as in the form of a key aspect of the summative assessment for this course is the main highlight over here. Whatever be the case, the course mainly focuses on the development of teaching skills and professional knowledge.

The additional benefit provided in the field of teaching is that you have the opportunity to observe teaching in other contexts. As further education is a dynamic and diverse sector, you can observe the learning from other sectors too that includes organisations such as Sixth Forms, Colleges, Secure Estate, Work-based learning, adult and community education. Your programs are designed in such a way that you can develop teacher trainees to work across the sector.

Reflective Practice

As a trainee teacher, you need to reflect on your practice; many of the distance study tasks on this course are reflective in nature. It is always better to maintain a portfolio of yours as evidence, including distance study tasks, assignments and observation records.

Tuitions and support

All the students on the diploma in education and training courses will have a subject specialist course tutor and mentor. The regular online guidance, as well as face-to-face opportunities, are integral to this course.

Key features of this course

· Planning, delivering and calculating is included in teaching and learning

· Providing learning guidance in education and training

· Understanding theories, concepts and models in education and training

· Understanding teaching as a professionalism

· Maintaining an influence of professional values in education and training

· Real-time learning

· Real-time research

· The first-year course requires a minimum of 120 classes as contact hours

· The second-year course requires a minimum of 96 classes as contact hours

· When it’s about the trainee, they are supposed to study beyond the contact hours stated above in order to complete assessed work.

· The trainees in the second-year and the post qualification year are subject to Ofsted inspection under the ITE Inspection framework.

You are considered eligible for this course if

· You want the opportunity to explore underpinning theories, frameworks, and research into effective teaching and learning alongside improving the practical process with respect to teaching skills

· You currently have some experience as a teacher and ever further need that as a career

· You are interested in teaching or can meet the minimum teaching practice (requirement of 100 hours), but you don’t have current teaching experience.

· You are able to invest your time in large teaching qualification that lasts for around two years

· You have a real interest in learning new stuff in almost all the fields at this level, which has the same level of demand as of a degree course

· You are willing to undergo an initial assessment of your language skills as well as the skills related to other fields such as mathematics, ICT etc.

If you are eligible with the above criteria’s then you can be sure to proceed with the long-time career of teaching as a professional teacher.

Hope, this article must have given you an idea about the course related to ‘diploma in education and training’ to proceed further.

