How to Wake Up Happy

2 min readAug 17, 2018

Not a morning a person? Try some of these tips to improve your morning!

  1. Quit hitting snooze- constantly snoozing your alarm is a waste of time and causes stress in the morning. As soon as your first alarm goes off, hop out of bed.
  2. Open your blinds- our bodies wake up with the sun. Try opening your blinds the night before so when it is time to rise and shine the sun will be doing the same.
  3. Do not pick up the phone- in a world where life revolves around technology, checking our phone happens like clockwork. The last thing we do before shutting our eyes at night is check our phone and the first thing we do when our eyes open in the morning is check our phone. Put the phone down! Take the time you would use on your phone to read a book or listen to some music.
  4. Stretch- take a few minutes to stretch your body out. Nothing feels better than a huge yawn and a big stretch to start your morning. Stretching when you wake up will increase blood flow and energy. Your body will thank you.
  5. Wake up earlier than usual- I know some of you may find this hard to believe, but this will improve your morning! Waking up 15–30 minutes earlier will help you get a headstart on your day. Instead of rushing which causes stress, you will have more time to try these tips in the morning!

The morning is not always easy. Try out these tips and let us know if it improved your morning!

Originally published at




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