DDLG / Taboo / Bakunyū inspitred Henti Story

Helping My Well Hung Daddy in the Bath

Sara was in college, living at home, helping to take care of her older stepfather. He was a burden to her mother, but he was rich. He provided everything for them to have a good life. Sara took it upon herself to show him the appreciation he needed.

Mae B. Moody
6 min readNov 8, 2022
Created my Author

Sara sat quietly with her back to her stepfather as he bathed. She was only there to help him, so he wouldn’t slip. Her mother had been working late that night and he couldn’t take care of himself, an invalid who’d broken his hip when the boat he was on sunk a few years before. He was never right again.

He growled his dissatisfaction and frustration at not being able to bathe himself properly. “Sara, I need your help.”

She turned and kept her gaze respectful. “What do you need?”

“Just…” he yelled. But caught himself. “I need help. I can’t explain it’s embarrassing.”

Sara got up and approached. He handed her the washcloth. “I’ll lift. You will have to wash me.”

“Where?” she asked.

“Whatever reveals itself when I lift. Your mother almost never helps me, not properly anyway. I can’t get that woman to touch anything down here.”

It was true. Her mother married an older man for money. He ‘used her’ as she put it, once a week before the accident. But now… Well, he complained about the lack of intimacy often. She took the washcloth and he lifted, she kneeled in front of him, not sure what to expect. But she saw an amazing sight. A cock, hard and straining for the heavens.

“Oh, father,” she said with shock.

“Just do the business and move on. Be glad it’s up out of the way,” he said straining to stay up. “Hurry.”

Sara washed his bum. That took some doing. Then under his balls. They were heavy and far more beautiful than she had been led to believe. Her mother likened them to two sickly, dead baby birds. Not just his, all men. But she lingered, cradling them.

“Are you finished?” he asked.

“In a moment,” Sara said. Setting the washcloth down and cradling them in her bare hands now. His member grew even larger. Instinctively, she took it in her other hand. It filled her palm perfectly.

“What are you doing?”

“Feeding your eggs,” she smiled at him. “I like the feel. I like them a lot.”

“Alright, but don’t make me wait too long,” he groaned from the strain. “It’s getting hard to hold myself up.”

She marveled at his anatomy. So sexy, his pubs were mostly white. It just made it all sexier. “Sit down,” she told him sweetly. “Relax.”

He sat down, but she kept holding his cock. Her hands ran over it, gently stroking and squeezing it softly. She kept looking up at him. Sara found it aroused her now and wondered what else her mother had lied about.

“Sara,” he whispered urgently his cock throbbing. She felt herself throb as well.

“Yes, father?” she asked, switching hands.

“Sara, my sweet girl. You shouldn’t do that.” He spoke in a low whisper. “It isn’t right.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“It makes me want… And think, things I shouldn’t.”

“What things?” Sara asked, knowing full well what he meant. “Something like this?” she asked as she licked his cock playfully.

“No, please,” he moaned with need. “That is wrong and so bad. But I can’t bear to stop you.”

“Father!” She was surprised by the intensity of his reaction. “You’re saying it feels good?”

“God yes, it’s been so long since your mother and I…”

“Would you like me to continue?” she asked. He couldn’t look at her, but nodded, just one sharp nod.

“But we can never tell anyone, promise?” He added.

She smiled at him. Such an earnest request for her secret pleasures. She licked him again, then lowered her mouth on him. Sucking his cock as she stroked. Her tongue played around him while her lips did their work. His cock jerked a bit. A salty taste filled her mouth, she looked into his eyes to see him looking pained.

“Are you ok Father? I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“No, it’s perfect. I’m trying not to cum in your mouth,” he said.

“Where else would you cum?” she said.

“Oh, little girl, don’t ask me that. I can’t even hope such a thing,” he said. “You're my daughter.”

“Only because you married mother. What would you hope for, if you could.” she asked sucking his dick more now. Bobbing on it seemed natural, she enjoyed it and the pleasure it seemed to give him.

He pushed her back and looked at her sweet face. She sat in the shower, wet from the water. She looked like her mother and for a moment as leaned forward, he willed himself to imagine she was. To take his role as a husband. He pushed open her legs as she put her arms around his neck.

“Should I spread my legs for you, daddy?”

She’d never used those words with him before. Never called him daddy. It thrilled him so much. “Yes, darling. Open your legs for me.”

She complied happily, spreading herself wide. He slid between her thighs, touching her soft inner lips with the head of his cock.

“Have you ever… Done this before?” he asked.

“Daddy, I’m twenty and in college. Of course,” she said.

“Oh,” he moaned. She was beautiful. His cock slipped easily inside her, filling her to the root. Her hands gripped at his shoulders, pulling him close to her. She lifted her hips up off the floor to get better penetration.

She had sex, but just the once, and she’d hated it. The boy had been ham-fisted and selfish. But her father was gentle and giving, making sure each move pleased her.

“Fuck me, Daddy.”

He fucked her slowly. His breath quickening as he felt how tight she was. How good he felt buried in her hot young body.

“I want you to cum in me, Daddy,” Sara decided.

“Oh my god,” he gasped into her ear. “Little girl, do you realize what you asking me?”

She smiled at his fear. “I know it’s wrong. That’s why I give you permission. You’re such a good man your woman should want that. Let me be that woman for you. Fuck me, put your babies in me.”

Her pussy throbbed and clenched around his invading cock. He kept fucking her gently. Sensing when the moment came to put the final pressure on her clit, by grinding their pubs together. She came with a delicious gasp into his shoulder, just the hint of a small shudder in her legs. Feeling this, he came inside her, his cock releasing deep within her.

When it was all done. She helped him back up to a seated position. Sara let him clean her pussy and then they rinsed off and she helped him to bed. They lay naked for a while. Sara sucked him off twice more. Then he fell asleep.

“Sara, what are you doing in my bedroom?” her mother said as she came in from work. Sara sitting by the bed, dressed in her nightclothes, reading.

“Just studying. Making sure Dad is ok, in case he needs something.”

“Well, go to bed, and you shouldn’t be sitting around dressed like that,” she said. Sara quietly acknowledged and went to bed.

Sara helped her father with his bath every night after that. When her belly grew, her mother blamed some irresponsible boy she’d met. Going on how they must have taken advantaged of her naïve daughter. Sara let her think it. She was proud to carry Daddy’s baby. No one else needed to know.

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Mae B. Moody

Stories on the edge, blurring the lines. Edgy Erotica not for the faint of heart