Intermittent Fasting: 50 Days Strong!

Wei Ming
4 min readMay 4, 2020
Photo by jamie he from Pexels

Yesterday, I reached my 50-day intermittent fasting streak! Looking back to day one of this journey, I remember how painful it was to mentally and physically abstain from my snack drawer. Intermittent Fasting has now become my new normal — in fact, it has been so effective, I do not know if I ever want to go back.

For those of you who do not know what Intermittent Fasting or IF is, it is a not a diet. Said simply, it is a pattern of eating that restricts the schedule of when you eat rather than what you eat. Besides weight loss there are other benefits as found in the New England Journal of Medicine which include increased metabolism, lowered blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation, and toxin clean-up which are linked to improved brain function and lower risks of cancer.

DIETING IS HARD. As the Snack Queen (that’s me), it is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, I have not inherited the sinewy Asian genes that enable me to eat whatever I please. In the past, my “personal” diet often consisted of popular diet trends such as not eating carbs or junk food. Cheated by this arrangement, I would often take revenge at midnight as I ravaged the snack drawers like a famished wolf.

This year I needed to change the game plan…I needed something that worked but also felt good. I first heard about IF from a date as a recommendation to lose…

