2 min readAug 27, 2015

Global village, was defined by Marshall Mcluhan, is that the world became like a small world through technology. People can share, communicate, and get information wherever they are and where they are. However this annotative way of connection has the affection on the people as well as good or bad. McLuhan (2014, p.108) stated that ‘village is fission, not fusion, in depth’.

There has been a technology such as social media and internet explore that has developed and spread in different areas of our lives, such as YouTube, Twitter, Skype, individual blogs and Facebook. In this age of globalization, it is very important and easily to be able to share and access information, gather others’ opinions and knowledge, not only for education and entertainment, but also to build relationships and communication ties.

On the other hand, there is a negative side of the global village. Today, most of countries continue to be globalized such as launching different countries’ shop. By global village, we can get information about the situation of other countries like population and possibly want to try or get that branded stuff. It is also good to develop their own countries but as well as disappearing their culture or identity slowly. Dixon (2009) explained that ‘A main concern held by those wary of the effects of cultural globalization is that American media and culture have a negative impact on other cultures around the world. In other words, countries with more economic influence will eventually control the cultural standards by which the rest of the world will have to live.” there are a lot of kinds of special cultures in the whole this world and we have to keep and continue to save that cultures to the future. It is good to get information and connect or communicate with others, but it causes becoming similar countries without original cultures.

Nowadays, global village gives us the opportunity to easily connect with others, get or share information. We do not think much about the distance, cost or time, it is good tool to connect with others. However, too much information around us sometimes breaks our original culture, identity, traditions so we have to consider and understand that there are both positive and negative side of global village and we need to use efficiently and effectively.

Dixon, K Violet 2009, Understanding the Implications of a Global Village, STUDENT PULSE, data retrieved 23 July 2015, <>

McLuhan, M, & Moos, M 2014, Media Research: Technology, Art And Communication, Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2014, retrieved 25 August 2105, <>