What are the roles of VR and AR on the Metaverse?

4 min readFeb 17, 2023


AR VR Applications

The metaverse, an advanced technology, has become a trending topic in the IT industry.

What is Metaverse?

The metaverse can be challenging to explain as some people call it a part of Web3, although it can be associated with other significant terms. The metaverse is a virtual space that allows strangers to interact with each other with the help of a combination of different software, such as a controller or a VR headset.

Various organizations have presented their vision for the metaverse, which is exciting to be used as a reference, but the reality can be something else. Think of the metaverse as a communal virtual universe. Users can be transported into the virtual world, similar primarily to reality video games, via a VR headset.

The concept of the metaverse is not new; there have been many attempts to put the term into a full-fledged reality. The term “metaverse” was first used by Neal Stephenson, an American writer, in his novel “Snow Crash,” surprisingly in 1992.

In 2007, a breakthrough project, the Second Life, was introduced to provide users a chance to experience three-dimensional virtual reality. Many games have also integrated the elements of the metaverse, such as Minecraft, Fortnite, and World of Witchcraft.

Metaverse Solution

Let us take a look at the two most defining characteristics of the metaverse;

  • Interoperable

The metaverse app development belongs to an intricate technology horizon that still remains one to be adequately tested. It primarily depends on the person or organization developing the metaverse; there can be limitless possibilities, from being open-minded to transfiguring one.

  • Interactivity

Metaverse technology is capable of creating an impeccable interplay between two aspects of AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality). There have been many revelations regarding AR and VR mobile applications. Interactions in the physical world can be anything from dynamic and bright in the palm of nature to visual or auditory.

Role of AR and VR in the Metaverse Development

Advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) are interlinked and tied to the broad concept of the metaverse. Undoubtedly, augmented reality can assist you in incorporating virtual elements into the factual environment. To completely offer the experience of a 3D environment, virtual reality users employ 3D computer modeling- as a fantastic visual design.

Using a virtual headset or other components that help you experience the metaverse better and more closely is unrestricted. I believe virtual reality technology can become a significant part of the new progressive environment.

Let us take an example here- the Facebook metaverse may be accessed with the help of a defined virtual reality headset and is not accessible via a desktop or mobile application with ease.

Many companies have enclosed that they are working on building high-end augmented and virtual reality headsets. As per the meta, the gadget can get support with new sensors that can compromise mixed reality.

Advanced technology avatars are built to express human emotions in an uncomplicated manner and display body language- which provides the impression of a meaningful dialogue exchange in virtual space. You will be amazed to know that the combined market value of AR and VR will stand at a fascinating $100 billion by the end of 2030, according to Statista.

Top AR and VR mobile applications

Augmented Reality Apps

To begin with, we are listing augmented reality apps that were a big hit among audiences and drew wide attention.

Augmented Reality
  • Pokemon Go

The game was developed by Niantic and was a hit among people in a jiffy. People went crazy over this game; the app allowed two users to have Pokémon battles.

  • Ink Hunter

Ink Hunter is one of the most loved and popular augmented reality applications. The app allows an individual to place augmented tattoos with the help of a phone camera.

  • Google Translate

Another app that draws the attention of people is Google Translate. The app uses a phone camera to translate language into the user’s desired language.

Does the Metaverse Need AR and VR?

Is there a need for AR and VR mobile applications for metaverse development?

The idea of the metaverse is close to modernistic technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality- we have made it clear. Augmented reality allows an individual to embed virtual objects into the virtual space. There has been a rise in the metaverse being customized and decorated by users.

VR does include the use of smart 3D computer modeling, which is one of the crucial types of graphic design. The metaverse does not necessarily ask users to wear VR headsets or any other smart device; experts are of the view that virtual reality will soon reserve a crucial component ecosystem.

If you metaverse business ideas that need assistance, we (MoogleLabs) can gladly assist you.




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