Puppy Rearing Neurosis

Mooi The Corgi
2 min readApr 4, 2024


The first few months after Mooi came home flew by in a whirlwind.

It’s no surprise, really. As a novice who had never owned a dog before, I struggled with training just like everyone else.

Since welcoming Mooi, I focused on toilet training and basic obedience.She readily understood commands like ‘sit.’

Practicing Fetch with the Ball

However, toilet training was a complete disaster. Despite trying techniques from training books and YouTube tutorials, nothing seemed to work. The daily frustrations began to accumulate, and I started feeling a bit neurotic.

I Can Even Do High Fives!

One morning, feeling at my wit’s end, I reluctantly called the free counseling hotline at the animal welfare center. As I poured out my troubles to the staff on the phone, they reassured me, saying, ‘What you’re doing now is already excellent for a puppy of 2–3 months old. It’s okay to watch over her with warm eyes for the first three months. Don’t worry, you’re doing great.’

Their kind words brought tears to my eyes.

Tired Mooi After Training

Ah, I realized I hadn’t been doing everything wrong. I had been needlessly beating myself up.

It was like a ray of light piercing through the darkness of my despair.I also realized the incredible power of seeking advice from experts.

I learned the importance of not trying to carry everything alone and the value of talking to experienced dog owners to let off steam.

Understanding my tendency to be overly critical when nurturing something important was also a significant gain.

The Best Smile

Perfectionism. ‘I can handle it myself!!’

Overconfidence and arrogance. Mooi shattered them completely. Thank you so much, Mooi.

Even at this age, it turns out I don’t really understand myself.

Now, training is complete, and we enjoy peaceful days together.

By accepting things as they are, I’ve come to love both Mooi and myself even more.

