Dear iOS developers, ready to face App Store?

Moolya Testing
2 min readMar 16, 2017


When we talk about iOS devices, things are vastly different when compared to Android. From the Airdrop feature to App Store submission process, everything is highly secure and reliable for the users. All these constitute to a great user experience. But the story is not the same from a developers and testers end. Expectations of Apple are really high from their end as they want an app which is flawless and deserves a place in its market.

Even after all the dedication and hard work in developing and testing the iOS app, still we are not sure that the app will ever be found on App Store. App Store has grown into an exciting and vibrant ecosystem for more than a million developers and a billion users. There are many apps which are rejected everyday. If you are an iOS developer or tester, it’s better to start early, that would mean to begin from the app’s design phase. App reviews and ratings will only happen if every iOS developer is able to sail through the milestone of “App Store submission” which is one of the biggest concerns.

With the proper understanding, if we follow the App Store guidelines, it will be a cakewalk to get through the App Store submission process quickly.

The guiding principle of the App Store is very simple — they want to provide a safe experience for users to get apps and a great opportunity for all the developers to be successful.

So developers should be familiar with the technical, content and design criteria that App Store use. Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons for rejections as stated by Apple itself here.

So before submitting your app to App Store, do keep in mind the guidelines mentioned above.

Written By: Himansha Tyagi | Exploratory Tester

Originally published at on March 16, 2017.



Moolya Testing

We test mobile and cloud for our customers who change the world. We do it in ways that our customers and their customers love the experience.