Chapter 3: Who’s Behind MB589?

2 min readDec 20, 2023


Alright, buckle up, memelords and Moonbois! We’re about to spill the beans on the enigmatic masterminds behind MB589 — and no, we won’t be dropping names, but trust us, they’ve got quite the success track record.

We’re talking serial founders, a tech advisory company, a whopping $60 million past raise, and they even orchestrated the first 100k-user Telegram community. And oh! Did we mention the original moonboi? The person behind the massively successful XRdoge? You guys remember where it went within two weeks of launch, right? $200 Mil! Impressive, innit?

Now, here’s the scoop — despite their glittering success, these prime movers are here for one thing and one thing only: FUN. Yep, you heard it right. They’re not on a mission to squeeze the life out of the community or pull a sneaky rug from under our feet. Instead, they’re flipping the script on the typical crypto narrative.

In the wild world of memecoins, where the fear of rug pulls can be as real as a ghost story, MB589 stands out as the beacon of transparency and good vibes. These prime movers aren’t here to lord over anyone or create a hierarchy of crypto kings. Nah, they’re on a mission to infuse the community with the pure essence of decentralized memetics — where everyone gets a seat at the meme-filled table.

Now, I know what you’re thinking — “Is this too good to be true? Can we really trust this project?” Fear not, fellow Moonbois! The pedigree of these prime movers isn’t a tool for control; it’s more like a secret sauce to enhance the fun, creativity, and organic growth of MB589.

So, let’s put those rug-pull nightmares to rest, shall we? MB589 is your playground, a place where success meets the infectious joy of the memecoin universe. No kings, no hidden tricks — just an exhilarating journey of memes, creativity, and a community that’s as robust as the XRPL itself.

No Kings. No Devs. Only Memes.

To know more, read the Manifesto here.

Join the revolution — X (formerly Twitter), Discord, Telegram.

