Recipe for a Free, Unapologetic, Americana-Powered Life pt.1

Jack Straw
2 min readJan 28, 2020

The Grateful Dead, Trump rallies, Bitcoin — what could these three cultural phenomena possibly have in common? Here’s a thought experiment: what would happen if a Deadhead, a young Trump supporter, and a bitcoin maximalist get stuck in an elevator for an hour? Conventional wisdom suggests that firefighters would arrive and pry open the elevator doors to find a gruesome scene resembling the aftermath of a UFC Fight.

Patrick Byrne — Dead jamming, pot smoking, bitcoin-loving patriot

In reality, the doors would open to a cloud of cannabis smoke billowing out into the hallway. The smoke would finally settle, revealing three new best friends sitting on the ground and laughing their asses off at how the entire time they were in the elevator, Dark Star hadn’t even gotten to the second verse yet.

Deadheads, Trump supporters, and Bitcoin enthusiasts: could it be that these people enjoy ingredients so essential to a meaningful life, yet so rare to find in our culture today? Authenticity, community, a love of freedom and the Americana roots whose influences are visible — these are the themes I’ll be exploring with you in this series.

And yes, we will certainly address the obvious (often glaring) idealogical differences that are bound to exist anytime you mix the attributes of a bunch of hippies, rednecks, and tech nerds together. It’s natural to construct mental caricatures of people you don’t typically engage with, but how would those caricatures change if you were stuck in an elevator for an hour with a Deadhead, a young Trump supporter, and a bitcoin enthusiast?

“Wave that flag”



Jack Straw

Shall we go? You and I while we can.