Will Robots Be Able To Savor Mexican Food?

Miguel Álvarez
6 min readAug 22, 2019

Which skills will be uniquely human after the AI machines conquer us?

Source: pixabay.com / englishlikeanative

I’m admiring a green plastic basket of warm, golden, freshly made tortilla chips. The red salsa besides it competes for my attention, begging to be tasted. That’s how lunch starts, eating with my eyes.

I hurry to have chips and salsa meet and for my palate to judge how well they go together. I didn’t hesitate and wasn’t disappointed. The chip is still warm as it crunchiness and saltiness hit my tongue, delivering the tasty, spicy hot salsa in perfect form. Not too chile-hot, not too mild, it was perfect for my amateurish taste buds. It’s not enough to dip, I have to scoop too, but carefully so as not to make a mess on the table, my shirt, or my cheek. The little bits of chile peppers and tomato must not be left behind!, I mentally proclaim.

All that happened before looking at the menu.

The menu looks inviting, with many options and fair prices. Three corn tamales for less than a dollar each can’t be ignored as appetizers. Tacos, burritos, enchiladas, chalupas, fajitas, stuffed poblano peppers, chicken, pork, and beef, create a long list of combinations that makes deciding difficult, especially with hunger’s lash to hurry up. To muddle things, I’m not Mexican or Central American — my roots have no say in the choosing.

