InnerQuest Adventures: A 3-Day Gratitude Quest

Isla Moon
2 min readAug 25, 2023


Set forth on a 3-day quest that invites you to immerse yourself in the sea of gratitude. This adventure is a mindful exploration of your inner world, guiding you to reflect, feel, and express gratitude in its various forms. Let the following itinerary light your way:

Day 1: Reflect

Morning: Begin your day with a moment of stillness. Find a serene spot, and reflect on the past. Bring to mind three experiences or people you are grateful for. Write them down in your Captain’s Log.

Afternoon: Take a walk/bike ride/roll outdoors. As you stroll, observe the beauty around you — the sunlight filtering through leaves, the rustle of the wind. Feel gratitude for the simple joys of nature. You exist. You can experience.

Evening: Create a gratitude list. Document ten things you’re grateful for today — they can be big or small, personal or universal. Engaging in this reflection will allow you to recognize the softness in your life.

Day 2: Feel

Morning: Begin your morning with a gratitude meditation. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on the things you are grateful for. Allow the warmth of gratitude to fill your heart. (Getting distracted is ok)

Afternoon: Engage in a creative activity that resonates with you — painting, writing, or even crafting. As you create, infuse your work with feelings of gratitude and appreciation. What’s that mean? Allow yourself deeply feel it running through your body.

Evening: Reach out to someone you are grateful for — a friend, a family member, a mentor. Express your gratitude in a heartfelt message, letting them know how much they mean to you.

Day 3: Express

Morning: Write a gratitude letter to yourself. Acknowledge your strengths, your journey, and the challenges you’ve overcome. Celebrate your growth with words of self-appreciation.

Afternoon: Engage in a random act of kindness. Extend gratitude into the world by doing something kind for another person. This ripple of positivity will amplify your feelings of gratitude.

Evening: Gather around a virtual or physical table with loved ones for a gratitude-sharing session. Talk about the things that make you close and grateful for one another.

Through these three days of intentional reflection, emotion, and expression, you’ll cultivate a deep sense of gratitude within. Where did this quest take you?

After this 3 day quest, you’ll unearth the 🌟gem of present moment awareness.🌟 Gratitude draws you into the present, allowing you to savor the richness of each moment. This treasure encourages you to appreciate life’s simple pleasures and embrace the beauty around you!



Isla Moon

Lumi-Pantheist(luminarism)Spiritual and Holistic Practitioner. Lunologist. Earth Lover. Art lover. Spirit Explorer