Moonie NFT Celebrates: More Than 30,000 Moonchests Sold!!

Moonie NFT
4 min readSep 20, 2021


Before we dive into all the specifics, we’d like to thank all our supporters first and foremost for their contribution. We are beyond excited to tell you that we have now officially sold over 30.000 Moonchests!! 30.0000 Moonchests means 600.000 USDT worth of $MNY tokens has been gathered. 70% (420.000 USDT) of $MNY will go directly to fund the leaderboard winners in the arcade games and to the rewards for the Research Lab participants.

The Moonie NFT team would never have dreamed of saying we have gathered more than 600.000 USDT worth of $MNY so, 12.000.000 $MNY, in the first 14 days!! That is over 20% of our total initial supply! Yes, we know, absolutely crazy, but absolutely amazing!

You might wonder what happens when all of the OGs are gone? Well, soon, we’ll start to introduce the new OG Moonies! The reveal will occur at 60%, 70%, and 80% of the first collection sales. This means you will be able to buy new OG Moonies as soon as 90% of the first collection is sold out. And so, you can expect even more contests and community activations. Moreover, you can bet on the new Price Races and act accordingly, so make sure you don’t miss it!

What Comes Next?

So, what comes next?

  1. New Moonie NFT collections and a new race!

Yes, we know the first race hasn’t gotten started yet. But the Moonie NFT team’s primary focus is on delivering the arcade game, and we have managed to time it this month! And to make it even better, the Price Races launch will follow right after.

The introduction of the new collection will be correlated with the new race. And this time, the race will not just be between TOP players in the space (BTC, ETH, DOGE) but top ETH competitors or as we like to call them: THE ETHEREUM KILLERS!

We have three initial participants; one feels quite dim after the recent market decline, and the other two have fallen so hard that only a vague outline of them remains, that is the reason why you cannot see them well yet. Furthermore, expect a community activation that involves guessing these new Moonie names and getting ready for the 1st new competitor in the ETH Killers race!

2. NFT Staking

Yes, you read that right; when the first collection of OG Moonies is sold out, we will allow for Moonie NFT Staking in three different pools associated with Moonie Research Pages, Price Races (users participating in the Price Race are “Staking” their OGs in the Rocket and can play arcade games), and Moonie NFT Staking with rewards being a part of the Moonchest sales. Each pool will differentiate in the APY and the source of rewards and the token in which the user is rewarded… it doesn’t always need to be $MNY….. So what else can it be?? We will tell you all about that later!

3. Moonchest Sales

Moonchest sales, of course, will also continue with the launch of the new OG Moonies. So, what’s new?! Well, we will have a referral program where 10% of Moonchest sales will go to the person who recommended someone. But that’s not all. 50% of Moonchest sales will be added as liquidity to the DEX pairs on both Pancakeswap and Uniswap! And with the new collection, we will start introducing a new payment method, so keep an eye out for that.

In the upcoming week, we’re expecting to launch Liquidity Pool staking, and we will share more information on the deflationary mechanisms in the LP Staking as soon as it goes live! Finally, be sure to keep an eye out for more CEX listings to make it even easier to get $MNY and cherish those new Moonieverse Citizens!

See you soon in the Moonieverse!

For more information about MoonieNFT or the Moonieverse platform, please look at our website, Discord, Telegram, or Twitter.



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