Moonland English AMA — 20/02/22

Moonland Metaverse
11 min readFeb 23, 2022


Here is the transcript of our first AMA, thank you for taking the time to read it and please stay tuned for future ones. As always, feel free to reach out to the team or mods at anytime on Discord, Twitter or Instagram, links at the bottom of this post.


1. Who are you and what is your role at Moonland?

Solchill — The only woman in the team, developer and proud Hong Konger. She has experience in the crypto and NFT space, including NFT marketplaces, collections, investing, project management and creating startups to name a few. SOLchill brings with her a natural ability to run a team, dev knowledge/skills and even graphic design.

wasdcantdev — A proven developer and long time crypto investor (2015) from the UK. He has built apps for many big brands in the UK, but his true passion lies in gaming. He has created personal apps and games which have millions of downloads on the app store, with tens to hundreds of thousands of monthly users. WASD brings his experience creating games, and has also quickly adapted to connecting apps to blockchains.

King Ding Ding — An English teacher turned full-time crypto and NFT degen from the US. After 5 years of teaching English, King quit his job to work in marketing and community management for an NFT marketplace in Hong Kong. He then went on to be part of various NFT projects before finally finding a home with SMHC and now Moonland. King brings with him the skills to manage and build a community and run socials such as Twitter. He also helps with partnerships, sets up collaborations and runs tons of community events.

ChairmanDAO — A naturally gifted marketer from Hong Kong. Although the youngest on the team, he brings with him an array of experience ranging from marketing for NFT collections and exchanges to consulting and industry implementation. He is a smooth talker and brings his skills to get partnerships to Moonland. Chairman also runs some of our socials such as IG.

UnquieterMold — Has been practicing architecture since 2016 in an international architecture firm. His architectural experiences in designing and developing reach diversified levels ranging from hotels and cafes to residential designs. He has a growing passion and talent for 3D modeling, graphic design, and interior design. His knowledge and strengths can creatively benefit the spacious vision that Moonlanders desire.

2. Has the team doxxed themselves?

The team is already partially doxxed. In order to obtain physical advertising spaces and list on secondary marketplaces, we are required to dox ourselves to them as KYC. In order to explore and secure future funding, the team will also need to dox themselves to these parties.

With regulation and law in this region of Asia on Crypto and NFTs, full doxing could lead to ramifications for the team. In this regard, there are lots of considerations we need to account for before taking this step. We took priority in having a working demo and the foundation of our project grounded before we dox.

3. When will the whitepaper be released?

The whitepaper is currently underworks as we speak and will be released very soon on the Moonland Metaverse Discord for the community to read. First on Discord (23/02/22) and then to the public (27/02/22).

Solana Monkey Holidays

1. What is this collection and why do people still talk about it?

Solana Monkey Holidays is a collection of 4,888 Christmas monkes that some team members worked on previously.

2. Did you change the Discord channel from SMHC to Moonland?

Yes, SMHC holders are part of a HolidayDAO, in which we had a community vote on whether or not to rebrand the SMHC discord. Majority vote was for yes to change to Moonland, in which the metaverse was announced before the SMHC collection minted.

3. What are you doing for SMHC members?

In December, we held add campaigns and buying events. Since then, we have provided the top 250 SMHC holders with airdrops of moonland keys. We also held a burn event, in which members could burn 5 SMHC NFTs for 1 moonland. In the future, we will further integrate SMHC into Moonland metaverse.

4. Why didn’t some members receive airdrops or burns?

Some members didn't receive airdrops due to their SMHC NFTs being listed for sale, as the airdrop was holders only. In terms of the burn, there were members who were not aware and didn’t check frequent updates to take part in the burn on time.

Utility and Investments

1. Will the team consider tokenomics to create an economic model — rent house /staking to earn tokens, use the tokens for play to earn, etc.?

Yes, the team is currently creating tokenomics. We’d like to, however, call it Metanomics, as it is more fitting to the purpose of Moonland and our community.

In terms of economic model — renting, staking and P2E, this is something that is being discussed in the backend. We will find ways to include these models in the best way for our community.

You will be able to find more information about Metanomics in our whitepaper.

2. Must staking be rewarded in tokens or can it be rewarded in SOL or stablecoins?

Ideally, everyone would like to be rewarded in SOL or another stablecoin. But as we are creating a community based token, users will most likely only be rewarded for staking and other activities in our native token.

3. Can you give some hints on holder benefits and upcoming plans?

Staking is one benefit as we’ve listed above. We are also looking into advertising in the metaverse in the form of billboards, and a share of these profits will be given directly to the holding community.

4. Are you talking with potential investors?

Yes, we are currently speaking with potential investors and are evaluating all options to ensure we choose the best for the team and community.

Marketing & Community

1. Paid advertisements on Magic Eden?

For those who are newer joiners, we were featured on Alpha Arts front page before mint. We have already reached out and expressed our interest in paying Magic Eden for advertising. Magic Eden has informed us that if opportunities arise, they will let us know at a future time.

2. Can we also advertise in other SEA countries?

Yes! We’re already looking at new locations for advertising. We want Moonland to spread out of physical ads beyond Hong Kong. Once we get the four houses and multiplayer functionality up and running, we are planning a bigger marketing campaign that will show off our progress to a much wider audience.

If you have any suggestions for locations you’d like to see a Moonland, please let us know.

3. When will we start having community events/contests?

We’ve already done a number of community events and that will continue. We’ve held delisting campaigns, giveaways, room creation contests so far, but we are working on have both public and community events to also reward our holders for their support.

After multiplayer and houses are launched, community events will be taken to a whole new level, something we are extremely excited for.

4. Any partnerships coming up?

Recently we’ve had giveaways and partnerships with Panda Patrol and Xenobots, in which Xenobots got over 1.5k tweets in 2 days.We are in further talks with other high level projects which will help our brand exposure and theirs.

On top of this, we are also discussing with physical brands who want more presence in the metaverse. It’s important to remember that established brands have lots of red tape and take longer to finalize and announce any sort of collaboration.

Project Roadmap

  1. Can we see a February to April project breakdown? Are there any timelines / order?

Here is a breakdown for Feb to April:

-NFT Launch (February 10th UTC 14:00) — Sellout ✅
- connect wallet and display NFTs in your room ✅
- Whitepaper — holder benefits and complete rundown
- Room ownership & design
- Nomad ✅
- Rogue ✅
- Techie
- Corpo
- Room permissions based on ownership
- Add multiplayer
- Text/voice chat
- Backend server implementation for saves in the metaverse
- Light & dark mode
- Light brightness customization
- Collabs & Partnerships with well-known brands
- Community & Public events

As of now, are major focus is on getting our main net launch for rooms, multiplayer, more items and backend server save implementation. When we get closer to certain launches, specific times and dates will be given to the community.

2. Have you considered improving the artwork of the project?

We have already made considerable improvements to graphics and artwork of the demo, but as time goes on we will continue to make improvements. Our priorities in terms of art and design right now are houses, items/furniture and then characters. When comparisons are made, our artwork is equal to if not better than our competitors on Solana.

3. Can you walk around outside of the house? If so, have you considered hosting different events or what features it will have?

Community events in the metaverse are something we’ve planned from the beginning. There will be lots of emphasis on the outside and how it can be utilized with collective places for members to hang out, as well as events. We have already showcased some of it in the Rogue house (check out the recent video on our socials).

4. When will houses be open and will you help people decorate their own house or can people design their own homes?

Customizability is very important for our community. We won’t constrain you on how you design the interior of your home, and walls can be added to further divide rooms as you wish. We want our members to be creative and make each house their own, whether that’s with new items, NFTs or even further optimizations such as wallpaper, etc.

5. Can we have a preview of what the different properties look like inside?

We’ve already released previews of the Nomad and Rogue houses. You can check them out on our Discord in the #dev-updates channel or on our socials. Stayed tuned for Techie and Corpo in the coming weeks along with further items being added to the metaverse.

6. Are there differences in the same road section in each area?

This question is still being discussed by the team. As a browser game, we are very aware of using memory and space as efficiently as possible.

7. When will each house on the road section be open to the world?

As with the question above, once the devs solve the best way to utilize space and memory, more specific timelines will be announced.

8. Will it be possible to somehow download personal objects into our homes? As well as the ones on offer. If not, maybe we can request certain objects & then the team can add them to the system?

Downloading personal objects also creates the issue of limited memory, if this is a possibility we will let the community know. We have already created a channel in discord allowing members to submit all of their item ideas #item-ideas.


  1. Why is the royalty fee so high?

Royalties are set now at 9.5%, which is being used to pay for salaries, team expenses and other costs that come up normally in projects (website fees, subscriptions, Discord verification, etc).

2. What is the plan for the fees in terms of going back to the project vs being paid out to creators directly?

Creating residual income and rewards is important for our community, in which holders will receive a majority of the benefits. This will be done through staking, billboard revenue, partnership revenue, p2e opportunities and many more ways to come.

The Future of Moonland

1. Are the NFTs that are live now the only ones to be developed?

At the moment, there are no other NFT collections in development and we are focusing on metaverse development, design and project strategy and roadmap.

2. Is there a plan to release additional metaverse related NFTs too?

Further NFT collections for moonland will be determined on a need basis, such as for ad space or for unique in-game items or skins that could be launched in the future.

3. If you see the competitors like portals and the suites, where do you guys come in with some innovative things and what does your project have more in comparison to the competition?

One aspect that sets us apart is our ability to welcome and encourage businesses to grow their brand within a customizable and user focused metaverse. Moonland gives these brands the opportunity to each users in new ways, and it also enables our holders to reap the benefits from any revenue brought in along the way.

Another aspect that sets us apart is our customizability in the metaverse, including wallpaper, light customizations, unique items and even our neighborhood layout. We even have 4 keys to give even more options for our users and brands.

4. What ideas does the team have in mind about earning money inside the game?

We’re discussing many ways holders can earn money in-game. This includes traditional p2e models such as wager some tokens to try and win more. It could also be from completing in-game tasks, minigames and more ideas that will be further developed to give holders a reason to play Moonland everyday.

5. Will there be a renting system applied to the rooms in Moonland?

This is something we are considering and may come later along the roadmap. If there is demand and reasons to rent, it will be added. Other aspects must be discussed such as, can those who rent earn while playing to cover rent costs, what is a fair price to rent at, who can rent, etc.

What makes you different from other metaverse projects?

A few things that set us apart are our working demo out well before mint, our constant updates to the community, our communication and dedication to holders and the speed at which we are able to adapt and develop the project.

Development & UI

1. Are you guys considering optimizing the frontend of your official website a bit to make the project look visually more appealing to people who are potentially interested in the project?

We’re currently working on a full revamp, including both our website and full branding overhaul. This will be completed within the next few weeks. As requested, the site will be much more user friendly, including more videos and images for new eyes to feel and experience Moonland even before playing the demo.

2. What is the roadmap towards importing custom avatars from partner NFT communities?

This is something that has been requested by other collections and our partners. This is something we will do, but it is not our top priority right now. We also must consider the memory size of each 3D collection, as this can have an impact on the games speed and performance.

3. What is the team’s view on VR? It’s an optional item on the roadmap but which way is the team leaning and what are your thoughts on this topic?

VR is certainly something we are considering and something that is possible, however, everything is done on a priority-basis. It is not something that is difficult to implement, but we value having a fully functional mobile version as more important before VR.

4. Will music / background music be added to the metaverse?

There will certainly be music, however with adding music we must consider licensing and copyright before it is added. This includes Spotify and some other NFT music projects we are currently looking into.

5. How many players can visit each building? Will they have to be a holder to participate? Will there be “public spaces”? If so, what’s the initial capacity?

Players can invite others to their houses, but those invited do not need to own a Moonland NFT. The amount of users able to be invited will depend on your property type. We can confirm that as of, Nomad will allow a size of 4 to enter their home.

Public spaces will also be a big part of Moonland and will have a large capacity for many holders to take part.

Moonland Metaverse
Moonland is a metaverse game allowing access through a collection of 5,555 ledger-inspired keys in which users can connect to property in a multiplayer environment.

Owning a key is like having the deed and key to a physical house. Each one will unlock a door to your own part of Moonland, allowing you to decorate, play, earn, sell, advertise and so much more!



Moonland Metaverse

Moonland is a metaverse game allowing access to the property of 5,555 ledger-inspired keys, connecting users from with multiplayer, events and in-game action