The Game That Will Change the Way You Play RPGs

Moonland Metaverse
6 min readJun 16, 2023


Introducing Moonland

Role-Playing Games (RPGs) have long held a special place in the hearts of gamers.

From the early days of text-based adventures to the immersive 3D worlds of today, RPGs have continually evolved, offering players a chance to step into the shoes of a hero, embark on epic quests, and shape their own stories.

But as much as RPGs have changed over the years, a new revolution is on the horizon, promising to redefine the genre in ways we’ve only begun to imagine.

Here is where we talk about blockchain technology. You’ve probably heard the buzz about it, especially in the context of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

And if you are like most gamers, you are very on the fence about it, and there are many reasons why some blockchain games are not it.

But hear us out. Let’s start with a clean slate and explain why blockchain is not just crypto and trading.

Blockchain’s potential extends far beyond digital currencies. It’s a technology that offers unprecedented levels of security, transparency, and decentralization.

Now, imagine an RPG that harnesses the power of blockchain technology. A game where you don’t just play a character but genuinely own your in-game assets.

A game where your hard-earned items and achievements are not just pixels on a screen, but assets with real-world value, sounds like a gamer’s dream, right?

We welcome you to Moonland, the game that will change how you play RPGs.

Still, in development, Moonland aims to be a groundbreaking gaming metaverse that combines the immersive, story-driven gameplay of RPGs with the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology.

In Moonland, you’re not just a player; you’re a pioneer, stepping into a new era of gaming where the virtual and real worlds converge.

So, strap in and get ready for a gaming experience like no other. The future of RPGs is here.

The World of Moonland

A mesmerizing metaverse, a virtual universe where the boundaries of reality blur and the impossible becomes possible.

Set on the moon, with breathtaking landscapes that stretch as far as the eye can see, filled with mysterious creatures, hidden treasures, and adventures waiting to unfold.

In Moonland, you’re not just a spectator but an active participant shaping your destiny.

After the moon is torn to pieces, a few creatures still live in the remains, fighting for a chance at a new civilization and defeating the bad guys.

Your actions and decisions have real consequences, shaping the world around you and the stories that unfold.

But the magic of Moonland doesn’t stop at its immersive gameplay.

Its innovative use of blockchain technology sets it apart from traditional RPGs.

In Moonland, every item and every creature is represented as a non-fungible token (NFT) on the blockchain.

This means you don’t just possess these items in the game; you truly own them.

You can trade them, sell them, or keep them as collectibles. Your hard-earned in-game assets have real-world value.

It’s also in the metaverse, so you can easily switch from Moonland to another gaming metaverse in the blink of an eye! It’s the future of community-driven gameplay.

What blockchain does for RPGs

Blockchain technology is the beating heart of Moonland, seamlessly integrated into every aspect of the game.

But what does this mean for you as a player?

Blockchain technology ensures transparent and secure transactions. Every transaction in Moonland, whether buying an item, completing a quest, or trading with another player, is recorded on the blockchain.

This creates a transparent, tamper-proof record of all transactions, ensuring fairness and security.

You don’t have to worry about fraud, scams, or disputes; the blockchain has got your back.

Blockchain technology also opens up the potential for real-world value. The in-game economy of Moonland is powered by its own cryptocurrency, Mooncoin.

You probably wonder, “But why do we need crypto for gaming?”

In reality, it’s just currency, traditional games have their in-game currency so you can buy armor and other objects, but the difference is that Moonland’s “money” is real. You can use it even outside of the game.

As a player, you can earn Mooncoin by completing quests, discovering treasures, or trading with other players. You can then use your Mooncoin to buy, sell, and trade items in the game.

But the potential of Mooncoin goes beyond the game. As a cryptocurrency, Mooncoin has real-world value. Your virtual adventures in Moonland could potentially earn you real-world rewards.

Blockchain technology transforms Moonland from a mere game into a living economy.

It empowers you as a player, giving you actual ownership of your in-game assets and ensuring transparent and secure transactions.

This is the power of blockchain in Moonland, and it’s set to revolutionize how you play RPGs.

NFTs in Moonland

Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are a unique type of digital asset made possible by blockchain technology.

Each NFT is distinct and cannot be replicated, making them the perfect tool to represent in-game assets in a game like Moonland.

But what does this mean in an RPG game?

  • True Ownership: In traditional RPGs, the items you earn or buy are often locked within the game. They’re tied to your account, and you can’t trade or sell them outside the game. But with NFTs, they’re yours to keep, trade, or sell as you please.
  • Real-World Value: Your adventures in Moonland could earn you real-world rewards. As you play the game, you’ll have the opportunity to discover and earn NFTs. This means that the time and effort you invest in the game could produce tangible rewards.
  • Player-Driven Economy: You can trade and sell your NFTs on a marketplace, creating a dynamic economy where the value of assets is determined by supply and demand. You can speculate on the value of assets, invest in rare items, and monetize your gameplay. This level of economic freedom and player control is a game-changer in the world of RPGs.
  • Unique Gaming Experience: Every NFT in Moonland is unique. This means that the items and creatures you own in the game are one of a kind. Making every adventure, quest, and battle uniquely yours.

Moonland represents the future of RPGs, showing what’s possible when you combine traditional RPG elements with innovative technologies like blockchain.

As more RPGs follow in Moonland’s footsteps, we could see a revolution in the gaming industry, with games becoming more engaging, rewarding, and empowering for players.

So, to all the gamers still on the fence about blockchain, we invite you to step into the world of Moonland, follow the development and updates.

Soon enough, the pre-alpha will be open for gamers to try!

Experience the thrill of owning your own in-game assets. Feel the excitement of trading and earning within the game. Discover the potential of blockchain technology in gaming.

Moonland will be more than just a game — it will be a revolution in the world of RPGs. And it’s a revolution that’s just getting started.

So why wait? Join us in our out-of-space adventure!

