Powerbomb Pay $PBP Whitepaper - Launching Soon

MoonMedia Creative
5 min readMar 20, 2023


Contract Created. Project Ready To Launch Shortly. Rough Draft Whitepaper March 20,2023


The wrestling community has always been passionate about its favorite wrestlers, promotions, and events. However, the payment methods that are currently available for fans and businesses within the wrestling industry are often slow, cumbersome, and expensive. Powerbomb Pay’s $PBP is a digital currency that is designed specifically for the wrestling community, providing fast, secure, and easy-to-use payment options for fans and businesses alike.

Powerbomb Pay utilizes blockchain technology, which provides an immutable ledger that records all transactions within the network. This ensures that all transactions are secure and transparent, and that there is no need for third-party intermediaries such as banks or payment processors. In this whitepaper, we will discuss the key features of Powerbomb Pay, including its tokenomics, use cases, and potential for growth.

Powerbomb Pay has a total token supply of 100,000,000 $PBP tokens. Of this supply, 15% has been reserved for the development team, which will be used to support future liquidity pools, farming and staking options, and other initiatives that will help to grow the Powerbomb Pay ecosystem. The remaining 85% of the token supply will be distributed as follows:

65% for the initial liquidity pool on Pancakeswap

20% for early investors who take part in the pre-sale

No one person or entity except for the team wallet shall own more than 1% at launch. The 5% tax on transactions within the Powerbomb Pay network is distributed as follows:

1% is used to buy back and burn $PBP tokens, reducing the circulating supply and increasing the value of the remaining tokens.

2% is allocated for marketing efforts, which will help to increase awareness of the Powerbomb Pay project within the wrestling community and beyond.

1% is distributed among $PBP token holders in $BUSD as rewards for holding the token.

1% is used to build and maintain the liquidity pool on Pancakeswap, ensuring that there is sufficient liquidity for $PBP token trades.

This tax will be removed when we are guaranteed self reliant and when we move to enter the bigger exchanges that are not built to handle tokens with tokenomics.

Use Cases
Powerbomb Pay has a wide range of potential use cases within the wrestling community, including:

Cutting Out Fiat Currency and Currency Conversion

Powerbomb Pay also has the potential to cut out the use of fiat currency and currency conversion, making payments easy anywhere in the world. Currently, international payments can be expensive and time-consuming, with fees for currency conversion and intermediaries such as banks or payment processors. By using Powerbomb Pay, fans and businesses within the wrestling community can bypass these fees and intermediaries, making payments faster and more cost-effective.

Powerbomb Pay can also provide a solution for wrestlers who may be working in multiple countries or have fans from different parts of the world. By using a single, global currency such as $PBP, wrestlers can simplify their payment process and avoid the hassle of currency conversion.

In-Game Currency

Powerbomb Pay will be used as the preferred method of payment for our e-fed and fantasy wrestling league, which will be the largest and best-managed in the world. Additionally, we are developing text-based wrestling games, including choose-your-own-adventure matches and our own versions of games like Wrestler Unstoppable and classics like Extreme Warfare/TEW, which will all use $PBP as the in-game currency.

Ticket Sales

Fans can purchase tickets to wrestling events using $PBP, which provides a fast and secure payment method. Powerbomb Pay will have exclusive wrestling event tickets and more available for purchase with $PBP, making it the go-to destination for wrestling fans looking to purchase event tickets.

Merchandise Sales

Wrestling fans often purchase merchandise, such as t-shirts, posters, and action figures. By accepting $PBP as a payment method, promoters and wrestlers can provide a convenient and secure way for fans to make purchases.

Pay-Per-View Events

Many wrestling events are available as pay-per-view broadcasts, which fans can watch from their homes. By accepting $PBP as a payment method, promoters can provide a fast and secure way for fans to purchase access to these events.


Fans can also donate $PBP to their favorite wrestlers, promotions, and other entities within the wrestling community. This provides a secure and transparent way for fans to support their favorite personalities and organizations, and also helps to build a stronger relationship between fans and the wrestling community as a whole.

Potential for Growth

Powerbomb Pay has tremendous potential for growth within the wrestling community and beyond. By providing a fast, secure, and transparent payment method that is tailored specifically to the needs of the wrestling industry, Powerbomb Pay is well-positioned to become the go-to payment method for fans and businesses alike.

One of the key factors driving the growth of Powerbomb Pay is the growing popularity of digital currencies and blockchain technology. As more people become familiar with these technologies, they will be more likely to embrace Powerbomb Pay as a secure and reliable payment method.

In addition, the growing demand for e-sports and gaming is also driving the growth of digital currencies. Powerbomb Pay is uniquely positioned to tap into this market, thanks to its focus on the wrestling industry and its in-game currency capabilities.

Wrestler Sign-Ups and Worldwide Exposure

Powerbomb Pay not only provides payment solutions for fans and businesses within the wrestling industry, but also for wrestlers themselves. Wrestlers can sign up on the platform to have an outlet to get their work out and be featured, gain exposure, and potentially earn more revenue. This creates a new revenue stream for wrestlers who may not have been able to monetize their work previously, as well as for up-and-coming wrestlers who are looking for ways to break into the industry.

By using Powerbomb Pay, wrestlers can reach a wider audience and increase their exposure worldwide. With the global reach of blockchain technology, Powerbomb Pay can help to connect wrestlers with fans from all over the world. This can also create opportunities for wrestlers to collaborate with other wrestlers from different parts of the world, increasing the diversity and variety of the wrestling community.

Powerbomb Pay has the potential to revolutionize the wrestling community by providing fast, secure, and easy-to-use payment options for fans, businesses, and wrestlers alike. With its tokenomics, use cases, and potential for growth, Powerbomb Pay can create new revenue streams for wrestlers and businesses, while also providing a convenient and cost-effective payment solution for fans. By using blockchain technology, Powerbomb Pay can help to create a more transparent and equitable payment system for the wrestling community, and increase exposure for wrestlers worldwide.

With its strong tokenomics, wide range of potential use cases, and tremendous potential for growth, Powerbomb Pay is well-positioned to become a major player in the world of digital currencies. Whether you are a fan, promoter, or wrestler, Powerbomb Pay offers a secure and convenient way to make payments and support the wrestling community.

PowerbombPay.com is the website, join us on Telegram before launch for everything you need to know about the project.



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