Smart City Eco CEO: ‘We Still Need a Lot Of Work to Do’

4 min readOct 24, 2018


We’ve already talked to several ICO projects and ICO agencies representatives about their vision and experience at crypto and ICO. Today we made a short interview with Slobodan Culum, CEO of Smart City Eco. This project already finished their ICO and continue development of their product. The idea of the project is to build a truly smart city, a city that will become an innovation in the industry, which will accomplish creation of knowledge, services to the citizen of the city and to achieve scalable solutions that will increase efficiencies, reduce costs and enhance quality of life.

Slobodan Culum, CEO of Smart City Eco

-Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience in blockchain industry.

My name is Slobodan Culum and I am CEO of Smart City Eco. I am working in blockchain industry since 2009 and can describe myself as a passionate Blockchain enthusiast devoted visionary and entrepreneur, I have gathered lot of experience in the cryptocurrency field and I can say that now I can recognize the potential and great innovation ideas from the rest. I believe that with the great idea and with the right people with honest intentions behind the project, we can contribute to innovation progress and make every project successful.

-How did you come up with an idea of your project? Why did you choose this idea?

I am entrepreneur who wants to deliver this solution to the market, solution for all the problems I saw in the online economy when I was learning about net and possibilities. I started dabbling on net about 2007, before that I was not so interested, I used it just casually, after that I’ve started to play some online games and wanted to earn money potentially online and I’ve failed in the process, all those sites were scams. After that I played some browser game which motivated me and inspired me to start thinking about making something similar. I saw the flaws in the system and that was made to make owners profit, if they wanted to take more they just lowered the value of the currency and they did it by releasing more similar as our fiat system. All in all, I’ve started with bitcoin in 2009 but I was not aware what bitcoin represented then and just saw it as currency and I have had fails and got burned on the system which offered something similar to use your PC in exchange for money… Finally, I got the tools I needed for creation of Smart City Eco, once I started renewing my interest in bitcoin more than year ago. I started to study it and I haven’t stopped so far, I am totally devoted to the goal of delivering this platform and developing it to level where I want it to be. I’ve always had visionary abilities meaning when I think about something and planning it, I can imagine it almost as video rolling in my head :) So also, I always asked questions and I questioned every system and structure and saw the potential of making the smart solution for the online economy, this is hard process to go through but it can be done step by step, and so far what I was doing it with limited financial and people’s power so when we advance few steps forward, we will be able to do everything much easier and to hire people that can help us to improve and do some things much easier and faster.

-How do you think, what became the main key to success of your project?

I would not say we are yet successful project and this project need a lot of work and a lot of development and developing step by step. Each step is harder than the last one. To make it successful, market needs to accept it and we need to attract the right people to help us, there is a lot of people who can help us skyrocket our project once we have the solid base for it. Once this is done, we can focus on getting more people and also in the process of making it, this promotions will be done but we need to go through this step by step, as I’ve already said. I have never built a platform and I can not rely on the assumptions how will the process go but I have clear vision what are the foundations we need to develop and after that the job is much easier.

-How do you think, advisors played a big role in the success of your project?

ICO advisors gave limited help with the information but I think they could do much better job, some advisor really helped me with the advice he gave me in just 3 hours of studying the project and he was not even the part of our advisor team. All in all, I will rely more on advisors that are experienced in the market to help us in our development. Also everything is easier to do with proper financial support, and limitation in funding may cause some issues in general and the process is much easier with the proper support. Note, that you need to raise yourself to the level to be taken seriously by such individuals.

We thank Slobodan for the interview!

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