Things You Can Do On A Visitor Visa In Canada

Moore Justin
2 min readJun 16, 2023


Canada is a land brimming with endless possibilities for visitors from around the world. If you believe that a visitor visa is limited to brief visits or travel purposes alone, prepare to broaden your horizons. You can do a lot more than just travel with a Canada tourist visa. Before going to Toronto, Canada, beware of these things that you can do with a visitor visa to avoid regrets. Here are some things you can do on a visitor visa in Toronto and many other cities in Canada.

Enter and stay

A Canadian visitor visa grants you the privilege to enter and stay in Toronto and other cities in Canada. Once you step into Canada, you are bestowed with temporary legal status, allowing you to freely explore and reside anywhere within Canada’s borders. It’s important to note that the legal status of your visa is temporary as visitor visas are typically issued for periods of up to six months. The specific duration of your visa is determined by the officer who grants the visa.

Explore employment opportunities

Although visitor visas are primarily intended for tourism and temporal visits only, those holding visitor visas for Toronto, Canada are not explicitly prohibited from exploring employment opportunities. Just make it clear to the immigration officers that your primary purpose is visiting Canada.

Engage in business endeavors

While a work permit is required to engage in work activities in Canada, there are opportunities to participate in certain business endeavors while on a visitor visa, as long as you do not directly enter the Canadian labor market. For example, you can undertake:

  • Purchase goods and services from Canadian businesses for your foreign business.
  • Visit Canadian business sites as part of your business endeavors.
  • Under invitation from a Canadian business, receive training related to product use, sales techniques, or other business functions.

Join a short-term course

Obtaining a study permit is necessary for international students to pursue studies in Canada. However, there are exceptional cases where you may have the opportunity to join a short-term course while on a visitor visa, provided you meet specific conditions and requirements.

  • The educational institution should not be a designated learning institute (DLI).
  • The duration of the short course must be less than six months.
  • The course must not be a part of a longer project.
  • You must complete the course before the expiry of your visitor visa.


To try out the aforementioned activities in Ontario, Toronto, or other cities in Canada, it is essential to secure your Canada visitor visa. Simplify the application process by hiring experienced visa services. They can help you apply for a visitor visa and other visas including a super visa for Canada by assisting you in obtaining the necessary documentation and guiding you through every step of the visa application. Contact a trusted consultant providing visitor visa, tourist visa, and super visa services for Toronto, Canada today to begin your journey of a lifetime.

