Race Condition Understanding and Solution

Bhavik Moradiya
3 min readMar 30, 2023


we will explore how to avoid race conditions when using AWS Lambda, which can occur when multiple invocations of a Lambda function are executed simultaneously and interfere with each other. We will cover the following topics:

  1. What is a race condition?
  2. How do race conditions occur in AWS Lambda?
  3. Techniques to avoid race conditions in AWS Lambda

What is a race condition?

A race condition occurs when two or more processes or threads access shared data or resources concurrently and the outcome depends on the order in which they execute. In other words, the result of the operation depends on the timing of the execution, which can lead to unpredictable behavior and data corruption.

How do race conditions occur in AWS Lambda?

In AWS Lambda, race conditions can occur when multiple invocations of a Lambda function access shared resources such as databases, files, or network resources simultaneously. Since each Lambda invocation runs in its own execution environment, it is possible for multiple invocations to execute simultaneously and interfere with each other.

For example, suppose we have a Lambda function that reads a value from a database, increments it, and writes it back to the database. If two or more invocations of the Lambda function execute at the same time, they may both read the same value from the database and increment it, resulting in one or more of the increments being lost.

Techniques to avoid race conditions in AWS Lambda

There are several techniques that we can use to avoid race conditions in AWS Lambda. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Use atomic operations

One way to avoid race conditions is to use atomic operations that guarantee that a sequence of operations is executed as a single, indivisible transaction. For example, most databases support atomic operations such as increment or decrement, which can be used to update a value without the risk of race conditions.

In AWS Lambda, we can use atomic operations by leveraging the capabilities of the underlying data store or service that we are using. For example, if we are using Amazon DynamoDB, we can use the UpdateItem operation with the AtomicCounter attribute action to perform atomic increments and decrements.

2. Use locking mechanisms

Another way to avoid race conditions is to use locking mechanisms that ensure that only one invocation of a Lambda function can access a shared resource at a time. There are several types of locking mechanisms, such as pessimistic locking and optimistic locking, each with their own pros and cons.

In AWS Lambda, we can use locking mechanisms by using services such as Amazon Elasticache or Amazon DynamoDB to store locks and prevent concurrent access to shared resources. We can also use the concurrency feature of AWS Lambda to limit the number of concurrent invocations of a function.

3. Use idempotent operations

A third way to avoid race conditions is to use idempotent operations that can be executed multiple times without changing the outcome. Idempotent operations are useful because they eliminate the need for locking mechanisms or complex transactional logic.

In AWS Lambda, we can use idempotent operations by designing our functions to be idempotent, that is, to always produce the same output for the same input regardless of how many times they are executed. For example, if our Lambda function writes a record to a database, we can add a unique identifier to the record and use it to prevent duplicate writes.


In this blog, we’ve explored what race conditions are, how they can occur in AWS Lambda, and some techniques to avoid them. By using atomic operations, locking mechanisms, and idempotent operations, we can ensure that our Lambda functions execute correctly and reliably, even when multiple invocations are executed simultaneously.



Bhavik Moradiya

I am passionate about software development and enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.