Understanding Development Licenses

5 min readJun 22, 2024


When developing software, choosing the right license is essential. Different licenses dictate how your code can be used, shared, and modified. In this article, we’ll break down some popular development licenses, their pros and cons, and examples of major tools that use them.

Why Do We Need Licenses?

Licenses are crucial for several reasons:

  1. Legal Clarity: They provide clear guidelines on how software can be used, modified, and distributed, protecting both the creator and the user from legal issues.
  2. Control Over Use: Licenses allow creators to control how their software is used, ensuring it aligns with their vision, whether that means keeping it open-source or allowing commercial use.
  3. Encouraging Contribution: By specifying how modifications and contributions should be handled, licenses can encourage more developers to participate and contribute to the project.
  4. Protecting Rights: They protect the rights of both creators and users, ensuring that everyone understands their obligations and freedoms.

Apache License 2.0

Overview: The Apache License 2.0 is a permissive license, which means it allows users to do almost anything with the software, as long as they include a copy of the original license and state any changes.


  • Flexibility: Allows for broad use, modification, and distribution.
  • Patent Protection: Provides a patent license from contributors.
  • Commercial Use: Can be included in proprietary software without issues.


  • No Copyleft: Doesn’t require modifications to be open-sourced, allowing for proprietary derivatives.

Ideal For: Projects aimed at wide adoption and integration, encouraging contributions without strict open-source requirements.


  • Apache HTTP Server: A widely-used web server software.
  • Hadoop: A framework for distributed storage and processing of big data.

When and Why It Became Common: The Apache License became popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s with the rise of the Apache Software Foundation’s projects. Its permissive nature and the added patent protection made it attractive for both open-source and commercial software developers, encouraging widespread adoption.

GNU General Public License (GPL)

Overview: The GPL is a strong copyleft license, meaning any derivative work must also be distributed under the GPL, ensuring the software remains free and open.


  • Ensures Freedom: All modified versions must also be free and open-source.
  • User Rights: Users have the right to run, study, modify, and share the software.


  • Strict Requirements: All derivative works must also be licensed under the GPL, which can be restrictive for commercial use.
  • Compatibility Issues: May not be compatible with some other licenses.

Ideal For: Projects that prioritize user freedom and want to ensure all derivatives remain open-source.


  • Linux Kernel: The core component of the Linux operating system.
  • WordPress: A popular content management system.

When and Why It Became Common: The GPL was created by Richard Stallman in 1989 as part of the Free Software Foundation’s efforts to ensure software freedom. It became common in the 1990s with the rise of the GNU Project and the Linux operating system, both of which emphasized the importance of keeping software free and open.

MIT License

Overview: The MIT License is very permissive, allowing users to do almost anything with the code as long as they include the original license and copyright notice.


  • Highly Permissive: Minimal restrictions on reuse, making it very flexible.
  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and apply.


  • No Copyleft: Does not require modifications to be open-sourced.
  • No Patent Protection: Lacks explicit patent grants.

Ideal For: Projects looking for maximum adoption and flexibility, including use in proprietary software.


  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Rails: A web application framework written in Ruby.

When and Why It Became Common: The MIT License has been common since the 1980s due to its simplicity and permissiveness. It became particularly popular with the rise of web development frameworks and libraries, as it allowed for easy integration into various types of projects.

BSD License

Overview: The BSD License is another permissive license with minimal restrictions on usage and distribution. It comes in various forms, with the 2-Clause and 3-Clause licenses being the most common.


  • Permissive: Allows broad use and distribution.
  • Simplicity: Clear and straightforward terms.


  • No Copyleft: Does not ensure that modifications are open-sourced.
  • Variations: Different versions can cause some confusion.

Ideal For: Projects that value simplicity and permissiveness, supporting both open-source and proprietary use.


  • FreeBSD: An advanced operating system for modern servers and desktops.
  • OpenSSH: A suite of secure networking utilities based on the SSH protocol.

When and Why It Became Common: The BSD License became common in the 1990s as the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) operating system and its variants grew in popularity. Its permissive terms made it attractive for both academic use and commercial adoption.

Mozilla Public License (MPL)

Overview: The MPL is a weak copyleft license that allows the software to be combined with proprietary code, as long as modifications to MPL-licensed code remain open-source.


  • File-Level Copyleft: Only modified MPL files need to be open-sourced.
  • Flexibility: Can be mixed with proprietary code.


  • Complexity: More complex than permissive licenses.
  • Limited Scope: Only affects modified MPL-covered files.

Ideal For: Projects that want to ensure improvements to their code are open-sourced while allowing integration with proprietary systems.


  • Firefox: A popular open-source web browser.
  • Thunderbird: An open-source email client.

When and Why It Became Common: The MPL was developed by the Mozilla Foundation in 1998 to address the needs of the Mozilla project, offering a balance between the strict copyleft of the GPL and the permissiveness of the BSD and MIT licenses. It became common as Mozilla Firefox gained popularity, demonstrating the benefits of a flexible open-source license.


Choosing the right license for your software project is crucial and depends on your goals. If you want maximum adoption and flexibility, permissive licenses like the Apache License 2.0 or MIT License are great choices. For ensuring that all derivative works remain open-source, a copyleft license like the GPL is ideal. Understanding each license’s strengths and limitations will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your project’s objectives.

By carefully selecting a license, you can ensure your software is used and shared in ways that match your vision, whether that’s fostering open collaboration or supporting commercial integration.

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