Indonesian President Joko Widodo suddenly gives this native Papuan his jacket, catches the crowd in surprise

4 min readOct 7, 2021


Hermanus Konjo
Native Papuan from Sorong

When he (Indonesian President) was coming out like this, “Sir, (take a) photo (with me)!” Mr. Joko Widodo said “You come over here.” Then he (Indonesian President) said (as he gave the jacket), “Be a successful man and do well in school.” He (Indonesian President) said that.

Papuans cheered for the arrival of the number 1 man in Indonesia, President Joko Widodo, to Papua. This is the 14th visit of the Indonesian President to Papua, after his last visit back in 2019.

Indonesian President came to do several agenda, starting from the opening of the National Sports Event (PON) in Jayapura (10/3), the inauguration of Indonesia-PNG Border Crossing “Pos Lintas Batas Negara (PLBN) Terpadu Sota”, Mopah Airport, Tanah Miring Hospital in Merauke (10/3) then went to Sorong city to overlook the vaccination process (10/4), warmly welcomed by Papuans.

Papuan mothers, students, medical workers, public figures, traditional leaders and athletes, all cheerfully welcomed Indonesia’s leader with the most visits to the easternmost part of Indonesia during his term of office. To Papuans, President Jokowi is a blessing!

Moi Tribe Leader

Everyone shares the same opinion (on Jokowi). That Mister Jokowi is a savior, a hero, that comes directly (to Papua). Indeed there are still a lot of things to fix, but there are marks of what he (J0kowi) have done.

Hermanus Konjo, a native Papuan young man, elated with the Indonesian President’s visit. Konjo received the President’s jacket when he was just asking to take pictures together in front of the vaccination center in Sorong City, West Papua (10/4). The moment happened when the President was walking out of the vaccination center into his car. Then suddenly a Papuan young man called out and asked to take pictures with the Indonesian President. Spontaneously, the President welcomed the young man and asked him to come closer for pictures. Not long after that, the President took off the white jacket he was wearing and put it on the shoulder of the Papuan young man, Hermanus Konjo. Surely, Konjo was taken by surprise as he did not expect a gift from the number 1 man in Indonesia.

The Indonesian President was very ]enthusiastic to open the biggest sports event in Indonesia, the 20th PON and the first PON ever to be held in Papua. The crowd went wild when the Indonesian President was invited to play football with native Papuan legendary football player Jack Komboy and other Papuan children!

President of Indonesia

PON holds a big sentiment for all Indonesian. PON is a stage for unity, togetherness and brotherhood. PON is a stage of equality and justice to develop together, to prosper together within the frame of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Indonesian President swiftly kicked the ball that made the audience cheerfully enjoying the event! Especially when the Indonesian President playfully tricked the athlete and scored a goal! Proud chants were heard all around the stadium! Of course, the success of PON XX is due to the hard work of Papuans!

The PON XX Papua Opening went even more spectacular as a Papuan boy in traditional garb gave a Tifa, a Papuan traditional musical instrument, for Mr. Widodo beat it as a symbol of unity.

President of Indonesia

I must be sharing the same feeling with everyone here. We are proud to be in Papua and we are proud to be in the best stadium in the Asia-Pacifics. We are proudly opening the 20th PON, the first PON to ever be held in Papua land.

Papua’s excitement in welcoming the Indonesian President is certainly not the first as the other 13 Indonesian President’s visits have always been welcomed enthusiastically. Taking everything into account, Mr. Joko Widodo is the closest Indonesian President to Papuans. Heading from Jayapura and Merauke to Sorong City, the Indonesian President looks over corn planting areas and vaccination progress (10/4). Friendly and warmly, the Indonesian President came directly to Papua to give the public education on the importance of vaccination against the Covid-19.

Moi Tribe Leader

The vaccination target in Sorong City, from my observation, is still not optimal. One of the things that caused Papuan to not receive the vaccine yet is due to external provocation. There are issues from the outside and from irresponsible people that caused Papuan to be scared to get the vaccine.

The citizens listened carefully to the Indonesian President’s speech on the importance of the vaccine for us to overcome the ongoing pandemic. Several citizens stated how they are now relieved and ready to take the vaccine after knowing that the vaccine is safe and brings benefits to their health and safety.

Citizen of Sorong, vaccinated

At first I felt kind of scared to get the vaccine, but after the vaccination I feel safer (from the v1rus).

Citizen of Sorong, vaccinated

At first I felt anxious and scared, but after I got over the whole (vaccination) process I’m not scared anymore.

The Indonesian President’s 14th visit to Papua is not just meaningful to Papuans, but also for all Indonesian people, as this moment brings the hope for collective development and prosperity. Wonder who’s going to get the Indonesian President’s jacket next?

