Factors to Consider when Selecting a Soil Stabilization Technique

3 min readAug 3, 2019


For the soil to support a structure such as a road, pavement it needs to be changed so that it can have the strength to withstand the structure. Soil stabilization is needed when you are looking to achieve this. Soil stabilization involves adding stabilizers to the soil in its natural form so that it acquires strength for its purpose. The need for stabilizers arises due to their fragile state of soil when used on its own. Soil stabilization techniques are many. The various techniques of soil stabilization are tailored for different types of soil and the usage the structure will be put into. The need to select the right technique can’t be overstated. The right method must be chosen as soil stabilization is an expensive undertaking. An expert is required so that they can recommend the right technique that is suitable. There are various tests involved before a method of soil stabilization is chosen. It is not possible to choose the right method if you are not equipped with the technical skills to conduct these tests. As much as tests are required there are a few essential things you should look into before choosing any one method. This article will be discussing the few essential things you should look for in the soil stabilization method you choose. Learn more about Geo Products, go here.

When a method of soil stabilization is been selected, it is important to know the type of soil that you are working with. Knowing the type of soil will help in selecting the right technique and therefore ensuring the durability of the structure. Analysis and testing is how the type of soil is determined. For this done, one should have technical skills. Organic matter in the soil should be determined. The organic matter in the soil will affect the soil’s pH. By determining the organic matter in the soil, the right technique will be chosen. Moisture content of the soil is also of utmost importance. The moisture content will determine the results achieved from the technique used. Find out for further details on cellular confinement systems right here.

It is important to select the right method. This is very important but it is also essential that the method be good for the environment. There are various soil stabilization techniques. However, some of these techniques are not good for the environment as the stabilizers used are harmful to the soil. Ensure that you go for a technique that is friendly to the environment. Eco-friendly methods are just as effective if not more in soil stabilization as their eco-unfriendly counterparts. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_stabilization for more information.

Loon into these factors when selecting a soil stabilization technique. You will be able to make the right choice in regards to the durability of your structure.

