Cbse class 6: Urban Administration

3 min readApr 5, 2022


1. Define Municipal governance with Examples?

· Municipal governance was set up to create effective and respective bodies to administer the towns and cities.

· Some of the Municipal governance are City councils, Municipal Councils, Municipal corporation

· Smaller towns and cities with less than 20,000 population is governed by city councils

· Cities with more than 20,000 population and less than 10 lakhs are governed by Municipal councils

· Cities with more than ten lakh population are governed by Municipal Corporation

2. Write a short note on Municipal Corporation?

· Municipal corporation are also called as Nagar Nigam/ Mahanagar Palika

· It is the top most form of the local government of India

· Cities are divided into wards

· Municipal corporation has a committee whose members are elected for five years

· Mayor is the head of the committee, whose members are elected for one year

· Seats are allotted for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribes, backward classes and women

3. List the functions of both the Municipal council and Municipal corporation?

Their main Functions are

· Construction, Maintenance, regular supply of drinking water

· Electricity supply to Streets, Public places and buildings

· Construction and maintenance of roads and proper drainage system

· Maintaining public health and sanitation

· Maintaining the public hospital, recording the birth and death of people in villages and towns

· Safeguarding the public from disaster, construction of fire brigades etc.

4. What are the discretionary function of Municipal council and Municipal Corporation?

It includes construction and Maintenance of public parks, Libraries, Maintaining public transport system, housing for poor and promoting welfare scheme

5. What are the sources of income for Municipal council and Municipal Corporation?

Main sources of income for them are tax from people

· Water and Electricity Tax

· Entertainment Tax

· Property Tax

· Goods and Service Tax (GST)

· Grands and aids from the state government

· Octroi Tax — Tax collected by state government for the goods that has been brought into city for sale/ personal use

6. Write a short note on Municipal Council?

· Municipal council are also called as Nagar Palika

· It governs the cities with more than 20,000 population and less than 10 lakhs

· Municipal council are divided into wards

· Elections are held once in five years

· Municipal council is headed by Municipal commissioner

· Seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribes, one third of the seats are reserved for women

7. Who are Contractual workers?

· Municipal authorities hire workers on contract basis to do works when there is need for large number of labourers.

· Those people are called as Contractual workers.

· These workers are not paid as regular employee and do not get any benefits.

· They are daily wages.

8. What is Nagar Panchayat?

· Nagar panchayat is formed in areas which has a population of more than 11,000 and less than 25,000.

· These areas are in transition from rural to urban

· They perform the same function as Municipal corporation and Municipal council.

Few Facts:

· The first Municipal Corporation is Chennai established in the year 1688

· East India Company has set up a part of Madras as their town of Fort, St. George placed it under the corporation

· Government of India has launched Sawachh Bharat mission on 2nd Oct, 2014 to promote the cleanliness in both the rural and urban areas

· New Delhi Municipal committee has carried out tree census using contractual workers to keep the count of trees in public areas

· The local government of South Africa consist of various types

· Meteropolitan Municipalities — 8

· District Municipalities — 44

· Local Municipalities — 226




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