How to Play Apple Music through Sonos

Willie Morris
2 min readJul 2, 2015

If you have a Sonos and want to play Apple’s new streaming music service through it— tough luck — Sonos doesn’t support bluetooth or Airplay streaming right?

Wrong. Meet AirSonos.

With this hack, you can stream Apple Music (or anything else) straight from your Mac to your Sonos setup.

Step 1) Download this version of Node.js and install it on your Mac. The link should download the installer to your computer — run it and follow the instructions.

Step 2) Open Terminal (it’s already on your Mac, look in your Application folder) and type in sudo npm install airsonos -g

Step 3) Wait for the above process to finish at which point you’ll be presented back with a command prompt. It’ll only take a minute or two.

Step 4) In Terminal, type in airsonos — you should see something like the image below. Make sure you don’t close Terminal, I’d suggest just minimizing it to your dock.

Step 5) Hold down the option key and click the sound icon in your menu bar at the top of the screen. Choose Sound Preferences.

Step 6) Click on the Output tab and select the output option that says (AirSonos) next to it.

Step 7) That’s it! Open up iTunes and rock out to some Taylor Swift on your Sonos.

By no means did I create this workaround — all credit goes to this dude on GitHub who built and maintains AirSonos. So solid.

I haven’t seen a solution to stream directly from an iPhone, but native Apple Music support is supposed to be coming by year’s end. Hopefully sooner than later.



Willie Morris

Two time Olympian, the inspiration for Zoolander, & three-star Michelin chef…just kidding, I run a faith-based startup. Do good.