Britannia: The Rebranding Story

4 min readJun 17, 2022


Ever heard of a company starting from Rs 295 and ending up being a Rs 4000 crore leader in the market? No? I bet you know it.

Yes, Britannia did start at Rs 295 as a start-up back in 1892, when the company’s branding, market value and recognition were not as critical as today. Currently, the global marketplace is getting more diverse and to run hand in hand with the ever-changing market, all of this has become extremely vital.

Over time, your brand identity becomes outdated and to keep up with the legitimacy, you need to undergo Rebranding. Even famous brands like Twitter, Google, Facebook and Pepsi have rebranded several times to reconnect with their audience and to grasp the attention of heterogeneous consumers to move up the ladder.

Recently, in 2018, Britannia relaunched its logo and launched campaigns to celebrate the company’s centenary.

But, why would such an already established company change its logo and make its life harder?

Well, the answer is extremely simple. Firstly, it brings forward the future perspectives of the company. Secondly, the modification makes it seem more modern and relevant to upcoming customer needs. By underlining the important event, it aimed to enter and launch new premium line products.

So, this crucial task was given to Interbrand, a branding agency which is known for several successful rebrandings previously like Godrej, Jio and Infosys. Interbrand made sure to not overdo the transformation by keeping it ‘far enough to notice, near enough to recognize’.

Hence, the newly launched logo had a slogan-free, crisp, impactful and minimalistic design, with careful implementation of both goodness and excitement. Keeping intact the heritage red and white combination of the Brand letters, only the font was altered. Also, underneath the typography, an illustration of a pair of wings was added. This illustration rationalises the freedom of enjoying your Britannia the way you want it to. Elaborating further, the wings were given yellow and green colours to justify their tagline of “ Eat Healthy, Think Healthy”.

If you are wondering that, all this pain for such an insignificant change in the logo is not worth it, then maybe you are wrong. Because over time, for a Brand, even a slight change in image and inclusivity becomes extremely vital. Inclusive marketing and Branding support diversity largely impacts the user experience and in turn, generates sales. For more knowledge on Brand inclusivity (Read more)

Enough about the logo, what about the other initiatives launched side by side?

Besides the logo, several campaigns were initiated too. One of them named, #100SaalSe100SaalTak was strategically planned to make people realise the 100-year-old relationship, shared memories and celebrations they have with Britannia. This TV campaign had a series of ads which highlighted the bond between the customer and the product. Capturing a beautiful timeless journey, It shows how Britannia is a part of every household and how people get up every morning to enjoy having their tea dipped in Britannia biscuits.

Enchanting its viewers emotionally, by adding flavours from the past, present and future it profoundly impacts the consumers and adds its special spice of personalisation to the entire marketing gimmick. And perhaps makes us believe how our most loved products are right beside us, just there when you need them.

To make it seem even more personal, they merged the most famous Indian idiom, “100 saal jiyoge” and hence the campaign was very rightfully named. And while we admit that it was beautifully made, the main aim was to resonate with every possible consumer, no matter the age and place they belong. And, also to extend warm gratitude to all their customers for their unending support for 100 long years.

So, once again, Britannia took over the race with a slight touch of modernity and boldness in their outlook as well as approach. The trajectory of the success graph of Britannia was catalysed by this entire campaign.

Who would have thought that such a small company would be one of the biggest rulers of the food market someday? Hah! Miracles do happen.

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