Design on your own

7 min readJul 27, 2022


A Guide to your Website Design

This article in the ‘Design on your own’ series will talk about the importance of building an online presence and how to go about it. We all know that for a brand to emerge successfully, we surely need an online presence, today or tomorrow. A well-made website gives a good impression about your product, helps you have an authentic perspective and improves your product interaction with the probable customers.

Well, we all know the major things that drive a good website– a good interface, a satisfactory user experience, clear communication of information etc. But do we know what are the other minor things we need to take care of while designing a website? And, where can we create such a website? Let us make it super simple for you.

Things to keep in mind before designing a website :

1. Choosing an appropriate Domain and an Extension: You must remember that the site is the beginning of your brand, so you have to be extremely clever in picking a name for it. Choosing something relatable to be witty or stand out would be just plain silly. Also, changing your domain, later on, would hurt not just your brand but your rankings as well. Hence, act fast and grab your domain name before anyone else calls dibs on it.

2. Branding and Functionality: Branding is extremely important. To upload the brand image in front of the customers, the logo must be consistent in all the products, giving the customers a memorable experience. Other than that, you need to ensure that there is a short loading time, and the website is functional in a literal sense to everyone. Because any small functional issue can prompt your customer to leave the site and we don’t want that.

3. Versatility with Different Browsers: Consider the ’n’ number of browsers out there, spanning from older to newer versions, you need to take care that your website is visible and loading across all the browsers. Failure to do so will exclude a large number of probable customers.

4. Logo Design: Professionally designed logos, catches the eye of the customers and leave an impact on them. It gives a clear picture of the brand’s unique voice. Hence, an ideal Logo design for your brand and the correct placement if it on the website will increase your brand image.

Other descriptive readings on the same:

Hope that would’ve helped you in getting a clear understanding of a few things to keep in mind before initiating a website launch. We would also like to request you to read the previous article in our series ( backlink) so that you understand the importance of mood boarding and get tips to choose a colour palette for your website as well.

Now that you know what is essentially required, we’ll suggest two website-making tools. These tools can make your life easy as they follow all the above guidelines and more.

Well, if you are a freelancer who wants to showcase your talents and attract more customers, this upcoming example is a boon for you. Or, if you are someone who needs to sell their services, this article will help you to have an online presence in less than 30 minutes! And yes, we are not kidding. For someone who has a more product-based business, for example — having an FMCG brand, apparel branding, lifestyle accessories or an electronics brand and are planning to sell things online, we suggest you wait for our next article related to e-commerce presence. But if you are planning to create a website which just showcases your brand and the services you provide, majorly introducing yourself to the market, then this suggested tool is the right one for you. This article is dedicated to SMBs/startups who are into services rather than selling products online as we mentioned above. Also, if you are someone who is still in the development phase and just wants to explore various available design tools, we are happy to help, always.

Moving ahead, let’s introduce you to the magic of WIX!

WIX can make you build your entire website in a snap. In a matter of a few clicks, your customised website can be in front of your eyes and everyone else’s. At the end of four simple steps, you will have your website. So why the wait?

1. Create an account on WIX

Tap on the link, to redirect you to the WIX website. This takes you to the onboarding page of WIX, where you click ‘Start Now’, placed strategically at the centre of the webpage. As soon as you click on that, you are taken to the ‘Sign up’page where you need to fill in the important details like your email and password. This marks your successful account creation with WIX. Post this, WIX will ask you some questions which can be skipped. After this, we move to the next step.

2. Choose your Design

After skipping the questions, it redirects you to a page where you have to choose between 2 options. Left-hand option- ‘Let WIX ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence ) create a website for you. Right-hand option — ‘ Create your website with the editor’. For fast, easy and hassle-free work, we choose the right-hand model and go ahead with ‘Choose a Template’. Now WIX offers you an innumerable amount of templates to suit your need and look. You can choose any one of them which seems appropriate at the moment. Then we head to the next step.

3. Edit your Design and add content

After choosing the right template, you can preview it to see how it would actually look. And here, we can actually edit and replace the things we want. For example, the logo can be replaced, the images can be changed to be in line with the interest of the business. Similarly, the Headings and texts can also be changed. If you need to change any text, you just need to double-click select everything, delete and then add your content. Super easy and simple and tada your website with your chosen images, texts, and headings are ready.

Similarly, the other pages linked to the website can also be changed. You need to just open the respective page and follow the same method to do any alterations.

4. Publish your site

After finalizing all the necessary elements and fixing the website to suit your business, all you have to do is launch it. We need to publish this website so that the customers get aware of our product and flock to our website. So, to publish your newly made website, you just need to press ‘Publish’, at the upper top right corner of the page. After clicking, it leads you to a window which asks you to make a domain choice. Now, as stated earlier in the article about the importance of domain names, we would suggest you go for the customised domain option. For businesses that do not know how to get a customized name for your domain and who are still figuring out the entire process, it’s absolutely okay for you to go ahead with the free WIX domain. After doing that, you save and continue to move ahead. This marks your last step and yay, your site is published on the internet.

Did you notice how easy it was to launch your own website? Well, of course, there is ’n’ number of other things to do like, further refining your website to target a niche audience, changing the menu, creating a new page on your website, changing the appearance of elements etc. but for starters, in four simple steps your website can be launched. WIX gives you the freedom to keep altering parts of the website even after launching by logging back into the WIX site. But the changes can never stop. And why should it? Every change should lead to a better User Experience and better site functionality.

Well, stay tuned to learn about other similar websites to launch your business. In the next article, we talk about a very similar website designing tool called ‘WordPress’ and we are also going to cover how to make your own website presence in the e-commerce market. Till then, keep following our ‘Design on your own series’ to learn unexplored tricks and tools about designing.




Morff is a managed design freelance marketplace.