Assignment: Easter Egg Scramble

Jon Morgan
2 min readApr 3, 2015

I am looking for members of the community who are planning on attending the Shepherd Chamber’s Easter Egg Scramble and who would be willing to create a quick report on the event. The “report” could be in the form of observation, a quote, commentary, or even interviews with attendees. Or, live tweet the event under the hashtag #eggscramble.

I am also looking for media from the event. For example, if you are a photographer or like to take photos and could take some general photos of the event in addition to ones of your family, those could be very helpful. Or, if you are more into video, consider video recording scenes from the event and sharing them.

Some shots or scenes that I’m looking for:

  • Wide shots of kids hunting for eggs
  • Close up of an attendee or group of attendees (with their permission)
  • Photo of prize winners, either individually or as a group
  • General crowd shots
  • Photo of Olaf
  • Photo of the Festival Queen contestants, either individually or as a group

Here are some ideas if you will be taking video:

  • Segment of video showing the kids hunting for eggs
  • Voice over commentary either during the event or afterwards would be nice touch if it is done well
  • A montage of different video clips set to music
  • A news reporter styled commentary before or after the event

You can submit your materials by using the field at the bottom of this page to submit a response, submit a news tip via the form here, or attaching them to an email sent to Links to videos already uploaded on YouTube would work best.



Jon Morgan

I’m excited about the opportunities which are presented to us by the Internet and Technology. I am researching different ways in which content can be delivered.