The Power of Retreats: A Reflection on the 2023 Cristo Rey Research Triangle 9th Grade Ignatian Retreat

Cristo Rey RT
3 min readJun 4, 2023


Author: Morgan Truncale

This year’s Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School 9th Grade Ignatian Retreat provided a unique opportunity for students to engage in activities that encouraged spiritual growth and self-reflection. This practice of self-reflection and prayer allowed students to deepen their connection to God and nurture their spiritual lives.

The retreats letter-writing session provided students with a space to reflect on their past, present, and future selves. By writing letters to their future selves, students were able to set goals for their personal and spiritual growth, and reflect on how their faith and values will guide them in their journey. Many students expressed feeling a deeper connection to God during the retreat, especially during the Examen and letter-writing sessions in the chapel. This is a testament to the power of retreats in fostering spiritual growth and self-reflection.

“Many students expressed feeling a deeper connection to God during the retreat, especially during the Examen and letter-writing sessions in the chapel.”

— Teacher, Elizabeth Adam

The power of retreats in fostering spiritual growth and self-reflection cannot be overstated. By providing a break from the daily routine and creating a space for reflection and prayer, retreats can help individuals deepen their connection to God, gain clarity on their values and priorities, and renew their commitment to living a life of purpose and meaning.

At Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School, retreats are an integral part of the school’s mission to develop the whole person. By providing students with opportunities to engage in spiritual practices and reflect on their personal and academic goals, the school is equipping students with the tools they need to become leaders who are committed to making a positive difference in the world.

But the benefits of the retreat went beyond just spiritual growth. Students were also given the opportunity to identify ways in which they can follow in St. Ignatius’ footsteps and become men and women for others through service. They were encouraged to look inward and reflect on how they can positively impact their own lives and the lives of those around them.

This is precisely the kind of education that Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School strives to provide. By combining rigorous academics with a focus on community service and spiritual growth, Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School prepares students to become leaders who are committed to making a positive difference in the world.

If you’re looking for a school that will challenge your child academically, while also providing opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, look no further than Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School. Visit our website to learn more about our mission and programs.

Your child’s future starts here.



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