Intro to Me

Morgan Bocan
1 min readSep 6, 2018


Hi! So my name is Morgan Bocan and I’m enrolled at Temple University. I am a senior studying Mechanical Engineering and graduating in December of 2019. Once I graduate college, I’m hoping to work for an Auto Company however, I am very open to other opportunities and jobs that might come up. I think it’s important to not just settle on one idea cause who really knows where we are going to end up. I just want to do something that I really enjoy and that will keep me interested.

A requirement for a Mechanical Engineering degree, is taking Mechanics of Fluids. Fluids involves learning things like the physical properties of fluids and Bernoulli’s equation. Entering this class, I heard that it was pretty tough and a lot of work; I was a little nervous but after going to class the first two weeks it seems very interesting. But don’t get me wrong it also seems like a lot of work but I don’t think the work will be too unbearable.

As Fluids is a requirement for my degree, these blogs are a requirement for the class. Writing blogs is a new thing for me, I’m not the best writer and the thought of having other people read it makes me a little nervous. However, I think writing the blogs will help me to read about more engineering and life topics.

