The Vintage Vimto Bottle

Morgan Cvetkovic-jones
3 min readFeb 28, 2019

I started climbing just over one and a half years ago and, in that time, I’ve been to a lot of new places and met a lot of new people, but there has only been one constant. A few months into my climbing life, I realised that it’s probably better to provide my body with some form of nourishment when I climb. In true Morgan style I realised this approximately 2 minutes before I had to leave the house to go and meet a friend for a climb. I rummaged through our cupboards desperately trying to find a trendy, sporty bottle to fill with some of my invigorating, water-based beverage. Nothing. It was hopeless, aside from a few of your classic capitalist branded take-away coffee cups, I only discovered leaky flasks from the 90’s and those flimsy plastic cups we all have from our ‘Camping Starter’ kits. Then it hit me, that resounding ping of a lightbulb moment, the cordial cupboard. The ‘cordial cupboard’ sounds fancy but, let me assure you, it’s a mixture of cordials that have been present in our house for large spans of my lifetime. There’s the fancy branded stuff like Vimto and Ribena but a lot of the dirty stuff hanging around in the dark corners at the back of the cupboard….Lime cordial. Alack, there it was, a 2 litre Vimto bottle with just the right amount of cordial left that, if I filled it back up to its original capacity, would create the perfect strength Vimto juice. That was that, I left the house with 2 litres of Vimto…

