My First Research Project — Digging Deeper

Morgan Gibson
4 min readAug 16, 2019


My sitemap I created for the research I conducted this past week.

A couple of weeks back, my classmates and I had to pick a personal project to research. Our teacher posted a list of projects that we all got to choose from. I had snagged the project for RestaurantPassport, a restaurant suggestion, and a progress-tracking app before another one of my classmates got the chance. I wanted to focus on this product because I felt it was something that I would use in real life.

In my previous post, My First Research Project — The Nitty-Gritty, I delved into the first week of research that contained screener surveys, personas, hypothetical issues/goals stakeholders face, and a personal interview. There were four important questions I answered to reflect on the week of research and how I grew as a UX(User Experience) Designer. Now, after learning more information and skills for researching, I have decided to answer the same questions in reflecting of this week.

What new insights have you made as a UX designer?

During this past week, I learned a lot of new information which gave me better insight into how a potential user thinks. As a UX designer, one of the most important qualities to have is empathy. Before this week, I was already aware of this, and I felt confident in my ability to feel empathy for users. However, this week I dug deep into the thoughts and actions of others. I especially noticed this when I was creating a customer journey map for the persona I made the week prior. I pushed myself into wearing the user’s shoes. Because I did this, I discovered potential issues or future goals that a stakeholder might come across. Focusing on empathy made me realize everything in the product revolves around it. Without having empathy for potential users, we wouldn’t be able to produce meaningful and useful products.

My customer journey map for my persona, Jacob Willis.

Which topics or deliverables have been easy and why?

I don’t think I would say any of them have been easy, but the research that flowed more naturally for me was creating the user flow maps. I naturally gravitate towards the UI (User Interface) portion of UX. I have always loved creating and designing at a young age. So, when it came to creating these, I felt more in my element. I used Sketch to create three different flow maps simulating signing up, logging in, and creating a new location for the “passports” in the app. I had the most fun doing this research assignment over the others this week, and because of that, it came the easiest to me.

One of my user maps. This one simulates the processes a user could encounter while trying to access their dashboard by logging in.

Which topics or deliverables have been more challenging and why?

The two deliverables I struggled with the most would have to be the customer journey map and the card sorting process. The customer journey map pushed me to think outside of the box. In a previous question about reflecting on the insights I made this week, I spoke about how it pushed me to use a lot of empathy. I spent a lot of time trying to put myself into the minds of a user and potential stakeholders. Initially, it was difficult for me to think of issues that could affect each stakeholder. I feel more confident now in making them, but since it was my first one, I struggled to get my mind in that headspace. Card sorting challenged me because I had a hard time coming up with content and categories to start with. As an avid technology user, I felt I would not struggle with this. I assumed that it would be common sense. But, when push comes to shove, and you have to generate that content, it is a lot harder to think of all the important things. After some brainstorming, I got it done, but I underestimated the work that goes into it.

My sorted categories and content using the card sorting process.

How do you believe you could improve your process going forward?

Hindsight is always 20/20, and it is always easy to look back on your work and nitpick it. I can easily go and find things that I could have changed or done differently the first time around. But, instead, I think the key to improving my process going forward is to continuing learning from my past processes, and to not underestimate the amount of work that goes into it. With each passing day that I do a research assignment, I learn more and gain more understanding of the importance of it. If I continue to do this, then I think my process will improve going forward.


My second week of research on my project has continued to make me grow as a UX Designer. Although I know that I want to specialize in UI, learning how to conduct meaningful research will help me become an even stronger team member in my future job, and for that, I am thankful.



Morgan Gibson

Hello! My name is Morgan and I’m a UX Designer. I’d love for you to check out my blog posts and follow me!