Don’t be a Copycat- Be Yourself

Morgan J. Ingram
2 min readSep 18, 2015


First, lets go into what the definition of what a copycat is. A copycat is a person who copies another’s behavior, dress, or ideas. From this definition, you can see why it is not good to be a copycat and to be yourself to attain true happiness.

In life, we sometimes forget to be ourselves and start being a copy cat of people. How can we expect to be a copycat and get far in life? People are saying they want to be the next Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Eric Thomas and Steve Jobs. That statement is absolutely insane to say!! The reason I say this is because you can only be the next best you. You cannot be the copycat of these influencers because there would be no way you could be them because you are not them.

The only thing you can do is become the best YOU. That is it. Become an expert on you and dive down deep into yourself. For example, two months ago I made a decision to take my speaking serious and make it a career. It is my dream and my MAIN goal that I strive for daily. If anything goes against that dream, I will not pursue it. I had to be true to myself and not be a COPYCAT. I will never be the next Gary Vee, Grant Cardone or the next Tony Robbins. However, I can be the next best Morgan Ingram just as you can be the next best YOU. Know your dreams and understand your value within yourself. That is the true value you need to understand to help yourself grow. Because if you understand your value there will be no need for being a copycat. You will be so happy with your value and yourself that you will be able to accomplish that much more!

Get out there today and be the best YOU and to stop the copycat act!

So if you get anything from this post understand that being a copycat is a bad way to go. You are trying to steal someones personality and emulate that identity as your own. When looking at mentors, it is important to remember to learn their principles but not to copy that person.

You can’t copy anybody and end with anything. If you copy, it means you’re working without any real feeling. — Billie Holiday

Hope you enjoyed this read!

Connect with me on all other platforms at @morganjingram!



Morgan J. Ingram

God First. Director of Sales Execution and Evolution at JBarrows Sales Training. Motivating and training sales teams. Huge admiration for video games and UGA.