How to Become a Freelance Photographer: Part 1

Morgan Nesbitt
4 min readJul 27, 2020

How to Become a Freelance Photographer: Part 1

Do you want to become a freelance photographer but don’t know how to become a freelance photographer?

Having your very own photography business allows you to establish and release your creativity and will give you a lot of freedom and fulfillment at the same time.

Many successful photography businesses start off with photography being a passion, and then gradually they do it as some part-time work then work their way to becoming full-time freelance photographers.

Photography first and foremost before I get started, is an art. Becoming a full-time freelance photographer takes a special passion and skill to successfully capture the story wanting to be told.

In part one I’ll be sharing 3 tips on how to become a freelance photographer.

Pick a Niche and Get Good at it

The first and i believe most important tip for how to become a freelance photographer is picking a niche that you’re specifically known for.

This can be a certain type of photography for example wedding photography, event photography or product photography.

But you can also find a niche in a certain editing style of photography, so for example moody, high contrast, vintage or black and white.

When you first start out in photography you generally dabble in a lot of different types of photography and editing styles but you do develop a taste towards a type and editing style.

Once you discover those, focus on that and turn them into your unique selling proposition.

For example, you love wedding photography and you love shooting in a moody style.

So try find a way to position yourself as a moody wedding photographer and become top of mind in the minds of the demographics you’re wanting to serve.


Being a moody wedding photographer maybe isn’t sustainable long term.

Lucky you dabbled in other types of photography then. So work with a couple of different types to sustain you and your freelance business.

So as well as being a moody wedding photographer you do events and food photography.

Just make sure you add your own creative style to whatever photography types you choose to work in so you’re still able to be known for a specific style and so it becomes your unique selling proposition.

Invest in Equipment

When you start out in your photography journey, most beginner photographers just buy a cheap camera but I believe that if photography is going to be your career then you have to invest in good equipment.

Believe it or not but photography equipment plays a part on how to become a freelance photographer.

Photography equipment helps you be more confident in your ability to perform your job for your clients and deliver on the expectations they have.

Regardless of your photography field, you only need a few pieces of equipment to start a freelance photography business, including a camera, lenses and a flash.

Over time and as you grow in your career, you may also need props, tripods, reflectors, diffusers and lights to create high quality photos.

This is very real for freelance photographers who primarily shoot portraits, real estate or stock photography.

But out of all of the pieces of photography equipment you could buy, I think the most important pieces you should focus on purchasing are good lenses.

So once you start making some income, I recommend that you invest some of that money and purchase new lenses.

Create an Online Portfolio

My third and final tip for part one of how to become a freelance photographer is having an online portfolio

As a freelance photographer, you’ll need a professional photography portfolio to show off your work and offerings to your potential clients.

Your online comes in the form of a website and also your social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

But your website can be more than just a portfolio. You can also use your website to communicate with clients, schedule sessions, manage orders, and even deliver completed work.

Your website and social media platforms can also be used to give your visitors and potential clients an opportunity to follow your journey, to get to know you more and build a relationship with you.

Don’t worry if you don’t know much about web design, because CMS platforms like WordPress and SquareSpace makes it really easy for you to create a personalised photography portfolio online.

This is The End

These 3 tips I believe are the most important in knowing and understanding when it comes to how to become a freelance photographer.

I could have added more but i think it would have been too overwhelming.

So pick a niche and get stupidly good at it, buy the right gear that will compliment and excel your work in your niche and have a website and online portfolio ready to showcase your art and build relationships with your clients and fans

I’ll see you all in part two!

